Rescheduling a non-refundable booking due to unusual circumstances

Level 2
Hendersonville, TN

Rescheduling a non-refundable booking due to unusual circumstances

I booked a guest in December right after Christmas (non-refundable) who informed me the day before check-in that her brother-in-law had just passed and she would need to attend the funeral. Whether or not I was obligated to do so, I accommodated her by rescheduling for 2nd week in January. She is set to check in tomorrow but snow is predicted for the morning she is supposed to check out. Since we don't know what time it will start--2am or 10 am, she doesn't know if she could leave in time. We are in a very rural area so roads would be treacherous. She said she might need to reschedule again. I offered for her to check in earlier tomorrow and leave the evening before the snow is predicted. She is planning to do that but is keeping an eye on the forecast. She still could ask to reschedule.


Technically, a non-refundable booking is not eligible for rescheduling, correct? I understand the unusual circumstances in both cases but should I reschedule her again? And if so, should it be penalty-free?


She got her initial reservation on a 20% discount for at least one of the days. Also, I have increased my booking fee since the first of the year. So if I do re-schedule her, would I do it for the 2023 discounted rate? She seems like a very nice lady so I want to be a good host without hurting myself. 

4 Replies 4
Level 1
Denver, CO

I'm a big believer in karma so I usually do my best to accommodate. What I've noticed is if you have an honest conversation with them, experienced airbnb guests typically are very nice and understanding and will meet you 1/2 way. Good luck!

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If it's impossible for her to travel wouldn't her travel insurance cover this. @Cheryl413 


If not I may agree to reschedule within a short time period at your current rates no need to discount .

I don't know about travel insurance.  It's not listed on the booking.  I normally accommodate even for non-refundable. If I do it again, just hoping there won't be a 3rd emergency! Thanks for your advice. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey @Cheryl413, just wanted to check in to see how you ended up dealing with this situation? Did you take on board any of the advice by your fellow hosts? 😊



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