

Our Airbnb is in Swansboro NC. Wondering if anyone else out there is seeing quite an absence of vacationers? I have lowered the price 2 times already and am not getting any responses? 

2 Replies 2



Luv your place!


A few suggestions:


Missing Info on Listing

There are many sections of your listing that are missing? Your description is one sentence long? Suggest you go through every section of the Listing Editor and click each square (card) on the left side. A window will open on the right side for you to add addl information. Take a look at other properties in the area and see what their descriptions are like to get some ideas. 


Amenities Info Missing

I would definitely go thru the amenities list as you are missing alot of info. You'll see a little pencil icon appear on amenities that allow you to add details. Your listing says you don't offer "Essentials" (anything Airbnb considers important that is not offered has a line through it). This includes towels, TP, linens? I'm sure you offer those, so I would update that ASAP. Even if you aren't required to have a carbon monoxide detector according to building codes, I would get one anyway. They are inexpensive and you never want anything with a strike through on your listing. 




Min Stay

You have a min stay of 3 nights. I would change that to 2nights temporarily until you get a few bookings through. You'll appear in more guest searches with a 2 night stay and more chance of getting booked.


Where You'll Sleep Section

You say you have 3 bedrooms, but there are only 2 photos of bedrooms in the Where You'll Sleep Section? You'll have to add the sleeping arrangements to the 3rd Bedroom "Room" in order for it to show in the Where You'll Sleep section. 


Get Professional Photos Done

I would spend a few hundred dollars and get professional photos done. They will pay for themselves quickly with increased bookings and the cost is usually tax deductible.  Put captions on every photo...guest need to envision themselves in the space and need to know what they are looking at. You are trying to convey clean, comfortable and cozy in your photos.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Linda4702,


Have you had a chance to check out @Joan2709 's fantastic suggestions for enhancing your listing? They’re full of great ideas!



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