Hi everyone! I’m excited to share that after seven years, I’...
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Hi everyone! I’m excited to share that after seven years, I’m back to hosting on Airbnb!I first became a host when I moved to...
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I have responded to 100% of my inquiries, usually within 30 minutes of receipt but for some reason my response rate has starting dropping. First to 97% and now to 95%. Has anyone else had this problem?
When I noticed the first drop back on November 29 I assumed it was an error and I asked for help with customer service but they were not exactly helpful. The first person i spoke with told me it was not enough to respond, you had to actually accept or deny an inquiry. Given the fact a) it has never been that case in the past and b) not all inquiries are candidates for accepting or denying, I had a feeling she was mistaken.
Eventually I was able to speak with someone else that told me it was a tech issue and tech was working on it. After they started working on it, my rate dropped again from 97% to 95%. 😮 So I think something is up but I no now know how to fix it. Has this happened to anyone else?
Thanks so much, Maxine
We know! - I've lost count of the similar posts in the last 2 weeks! - Type 'response rate' into the search feature.......
- It's a glitch! If you look at your actual listing, your response there will probably be100% ! 🙂 (It is; I just checked.)
They must have been to busy getting ready for the IPO. 😉 I am glad to learn I am not alone here... hopefully they will fix it soon.
Hello Maxine-
Had the same thing happen to me recently. Like you am hyper diligent in responses, always respond, generally within minutes of an inquiry. Just had my response rate drop from 100% to 98%, called CS and was given the same response as you- someone had inquired about dates they didn't want (as a means to ask a question), i responded to the inquiry and offered the dates they actually wanted, but because i didn't formally accept/decline the unwanted dates, was told this dinged my response rate. So I got the same response as you. You mentioned you now know how to fix this- is there a fix, or were you just referring to a technical issue? Thanks for posting! Best, pamela
It's a Airbnb tech glitch, nothing you can fix yourself. Most hosts who've posted here about it said that their response rate is showing correctly on their listing itself, just not in their basic or superhost stats. So obviously has nothing to do with having to pre-approve or decline a simple inquiry- so shameful that clueless CS reps give out false info.
Lizzie had posted on one of these threads that it's supposedly "fixed" now, but to give it a couple days to resolve. So if you don't see it change in a couple days, let CS know that yours is still messed up and don't take any guff about having to do more than answer an Inquiry message.
Hey there! Hope you are well! Thanks so much for this response. Yeah, it shows up as 100% on the listing and even the Superhost section, but 98% on home page and basic stats. We're all shut down for the month now anyway because of a lock down, so I'll whine about it if it is still an issue next year. You guys holding up with the pandemic?
Mexico is doing poorly with COVID- not nearly enough testing, high number of infections, many healthcare workers have died, and one of, if not the highest, death rate in the world. Some state governors have taken things into their own hands with stronger restrictions, but there is a failure of leadership on the federal level (sound familiar?).
I'm lucky in that I live in the countryside and have pretty much just holed up since March, going out a couple times a week for essentials, taking all precautions. Thanks for asking.
@Sarah977 @Maxine33 I have an on ongoing discussion with Support on this issue since October 2020.
Every time we get somewhere a new agent takes over who has no knowledge or suffient isnights of the issue and the background and he falls into the trap of responding in the same style that all of you have discussed above. Eventually one agent put the needed time and offered some helpful information letting me know that the response rate was corrected, only to have found out a day later that it was not - as you have also realised the discripancies- and having to reply to her and having another agent reply with standard and linked reply that really agonised me. I asked for an insightfull reply and ten days later I still await. I hashtag #hostadvisoryboard here in hopes they can influence this handling of this issue, yet my hopes are mpy high (even the hashtag dopes not appear to be working). regards to all
Maxine did you get your response rate problem fixed. I had a reservation request come in that did not open so I couldn’t accept or deny. As a result, my response rate dropped and my rankings in the listing dropped. I am not getting any help. This was not my fault it sounds like a computer glitch.