Searching for a host or property

Level 1
Verona, NJ

Searching for a host or property

Is there a way to search for a property when you only have a few details? I know the host's name and the general area in the city - a friend stayed in past but doesn't have details and can no longer access her airbnb account.



3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hello @Cheryl1147 👋


Great question! Have you headed to the Airbnb site and looked on the map? You can zoom in quite close in a general area - especially if you narrow the search down by using the filters. 😊 


Let us know how you get on. 



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I would be more than happy to see I I can help you!

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If you're friend stayed there the booking and listing will be on her Airbnb profile @Cheryl1147