Hello fellow Hosts! I have a great concern and am both shari...
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Hello fellow Hosts! I have a great concern and am both sharing and seeking feedback please, thank you. Things have been relat...
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I have a guest from Florida, and working near by as Dr. we posted mask are required on both end entry of our property.
I have total 9 tenants here and mostly are from Airbnb. We ask each guest to wear mask, since few are travel Nurce, and now, a female dr.
first she claim she did not know we have stairs to claim, and booked 2 months over. So, I kindly let her change to one month to avoid her rent lost. Due to our long turn policy.
then , I found her not wearing mask , I softly remind her, so she wearing the mask after, without a word.
Then, last night, I found her again, not wear mask. Not only that, she even had visitor without telling. Both did not wear mask neither. And talking in hall way that every guest has to walking by at some time.
So I asked her again our policy is ‘no visitor allowed’ unless asked and agreed in advance. After hours, she replied from text, avoid reply me from Airbnb platform. She said: she did not go to work yesterday, and she was sick, and asked me : did she supposed to tell me when she is sick? And her daughter will leave tomorrow morning. That was all she said. ( So, that is extra two nights with extra person rate in my policy. )
in my opinion, she is disrespectful our policy, and disrespect other’s health at Covid-19. And she did not follow our house rules.
my other guest from Airbnb was not happy to know that as a Dr. will not wear mask at common areas in our property at all.
I am about to call Airbnb , not yet... because, I know Airbnb will not help until few weeks later...that was my experience with Airbnb before. That I have to Handel it on my own. Plus, her daughter will leave tomorrow. But, my guess is, what is next? Will there be another stranger showing up later?
should I just cancel her? She does not have any reviews on Airbnb. And she is a Dr.
how she behave is making me wonder how to trust to even visit dr. What does Dr. do when they left the office? With mask? Without mask?
looking forward to hear hosts’s opinions, and what would you do? Cancel her? Do I get polished by Airbnb? looks like never accept zero reviews from any one in the future, even they are Dr. I really thought, Dr. should care about wearing mask, and respectful . I was wrong about this Dr.
thanks for reading.
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@Helen427 Those CA regulations are mandated for public places.
I reserve the right to require that guests obey the rules for my property, and they agree to do so when they book. Furthermore, I believe that guests and hosts are now required to adhere to social distancing requirements mandated by AirBnB.
Nobody has the right to book @Karla128 's property and choose not to obey her policies or those of AirBnB.
I'm not sure why you seem to want to push against social distancing, but citing the California mandate (for public spaces) says nothing.
Very unfortunately, in the US, the virus became politicized, but common sense and common courtesy- if nothing else- should prevail in shared spaces, be it a host-guest situation, or two strangers passing in a store.
Those with medical or other conditions who claim not to be able to wear a mask probably shouldn't be renting shared space on AirBnB.
Facts are facts: It's a virus. It makes you sick and has the potential to kill you. It spreads easily. Social distancing helps keep everybody safe/r.
Have a great day.
thanks for your common. I found out what @Helen427, their country has great control from over sea visitors. So, they are doing best at this virus. That maybe why she can not understand what we are facing in USA. Even Airbnb policy requesting the mask and extra cleaning from host.
‘that proved my reason to asking USA hosts to common. Nothing strange about it in my view.
To clarify,
Vulnerable persons, who include those with visual & hearing impairments & those without visible medical matters have equal rights to go about their lives in peace just like other people, including using ABB as Guests or as Hosts.
It's against the law to discriminate and ask anyone regardless of it been in your home or elsewhere why they may or may not be wearing a face covering/ mask.
How would you feel, as examples, if you had been raped and bound or kidnapped and were trying to get some respite staying in an ABB to be questioned and reprimanded for not wearing one?
Please take the time to time about this rather than attack me with your pre conceived ideas where I am coming from.
One's medical matters are one's own private business.
@Karla128 @Kia272 @Helen3 @Sarah977
@Helen427 FYI, to clarify:
Discrimination is the act of making unjustified distinctions between human beings based on the groups, classes, or other categories to which they are perceived to belong.
When one demands of or proffers the same treatment of all, regardless of category or perception, that is not discrimination.
I'm not an expert, but I believe that laws apply differently when one's personal residence or property is involved.
Additionally, reverting the the concept of common sense and common courtesy, I'd call it rude and inhumane, to book a room in somebody else's home and then refuse to wear a mask in the middle of a pandemic.
I'm not sure how you got to being raped, bound and kidnapped and then needing a respite from the world at large as justification for your argument, but to me that's a little far-out. One can need a respite from the world for any reason, medical or otherwise.
However, a person with a condition- any condition- that prevents them wearing a mask can easily book a hotel room or a non-shared space.
I'm in complete agreement that one's medical matters are one's own, as long as they don't put others at risk.
Perhaps @Helen3 @Karla128 and @Sarah977 have an opinion on this as well.
@Helen427 It's illegal for me to ask someone who is on my property, in my house, any question I want?
That's one of the most absurd ideas I've heard in a long time.
I don't personally agree with masks, there being plenty of studies to show that non-surgical masks are useless, to say nothing of them being degrading & dehumanizing, - but I DO agree with "My house, my rules!" So, if @Karla128 wants to mandate masks, then up to her!
Very few of my guests enter the house with masks, doctors & nurses especially not!
(Most of my guests come via the SpareRoom platform at present, not Airbnb.)
Sorry. I thought UK. U r from N Z.
My property is apartment with 10 lists. I did not allow any booking from one of 4 bed room suite. To protect my long term tenant's health from covid-19.
I only rent private studios but dropping 60 % to carefully accept reasonable request. But, more and more bad behavior guest from this platform. I had no choice to make house rules harder to protect all good tenants and myself. After all. I do not service guest if not willing to wear mask in public areas. And as host , as owner. I have the right to make that clear in front. Guest has no right to change my policy. How I am willing to service at covid-19.
FYI: this person is actually a Dr. who came to my area for work as dr.
It makes me wonder : Am I safe to even go to see Dr. ? In USA. Lol.
@Karla128 I had a doctor stay as a tourist just before our current lockdown. I asked her if she thought Covid was as dangerous/prevalent/infectous etc as the media made out.... She laughed, & said "I'm a doctor, I'm not allowed to say!" (I took that as a 'No'.) I assumed she'd be seeing the sights from the car or walking... She did, but also went to a cafe and a Catholic church service. (I was a little shocked!) She was maskless at mine.
I'd say most doctors believe in actual science, a few, such as that nincompoop Dr. Atlas of the last administration, do not. There are always a few wishful thinking fools out there. As the tee shirt I bought for my spouse says-"Science is not a liberal conspiracy"
lol, ya, I realized in USA has full of those type of people. No wonder the worst country now still lockdown.
I need to ask test negative result prove, before accepting guest here on. Lol
@I'm in the UK, not USA! (The doctor was from a country a long way away!)
wow, OMG, if all people think as you are. I will make sure not to travel your country in my life.
Thanks for sharing your thought. Well taken .
@Karla128 New Zealand had the most sane response to the pandemic of any country in the world, and according to all I read, the vast majority of the citizenry complied with the COVID directives. I highly doubt that Helen's views are representative of the general population. She has been posting COVID conspiracy theories and denials all over this forum since the pandemic started.
Your comon on new Zealand.
Yes, one person's opinions does not equal to all at all. I don't think she represents covid-19 mask or not issues from her own opinion. But it does makes me wondering if she really lives there? Or just hosting on line or just grow up in another country or city? Etc.etc. Yey, not my business to dig the reason. Let her words out of my mind. No use to reply her commons. Sorry to her from me!