Where do I find how to block one day for cleaning? Thanks!!
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Where do I find how to block one day for cleaning? Thanks!!
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I have a guest from Florida, and working near by as Dr. we posted mask are required on both end entry of our property.
I have total 9 tenants here and mostly are from Airbnb. We ask each guest to wear mask, since few are travel Nurce, and now, a female dr.
first she claim she did not know we have stairs to claim, and booked 2 months over. So, I kindly let her change to one month to avoid her rent lost. Due to our long turn policy.
then , I found her not wearing mask , I softly remind her, so she wearing the mask after, without a word.
Then, last night, I found her again, not wear mask. Not only that, she even had visitor without telling. Both did not wear mask neither. And talking in hall way that every guest has to walking by at some time.
So I asked her again our policy is ‘no visitor allowed’ unless asked and agreed in advance. After hours, she replied from text, avoid reply me from Airbnb platform. She said: she did not go to work yesterday, and she was sick, and asked me : did she supposed to tell me when she is sick? And her daughter will leave tomorrow morning. That was all she said. ( So, that is extra two nights with extra person rate in my policy. )
in my opinion, she is disrespectful our policy, and disrespect other’s health at Covid-19. And she did not follow our house rules.
my other guest from Airbnb was not happy to know that as a Dr. will not wear mask at common areas in our property at all.
I am about to call Airbnb , not yet... because, I know Airbnb will not help until few weeks later...that was my experience with Airbnb before. That I have to Handel it on my own. Plus, her daughter will leave tomorrow. But, my guess is, what is next? Will there be another stranger showing up later?
should I just cancel her? She does not have any reviews on Airbnb. And she is a Dr.
how she behave is making me wonder how to trust to even visit dr. What does Dr. do when they left the office? With mask? Without mask?
looking forward to hear hosts’s opinions, and what would you do? Cancel her? Do I get polished by Airbnb? looks like never accept zero reviews from any one in the future, even they are Dr. I really thought, Dr. should care about wearing mask, and respectful . I was wrong about this Dr.
thanks for reading.
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If it were me, I would try to get in touch with Airbnb and report her for not wearing a mask and inviting other people to stay without your permission, saying she is putting you and your other guests in danger, which she certainly is. And I would definitely ask them to cancel the remainder of her booking, and refund her for unused nights. I wouldn't want a person like that in my home.
Doctors are just people- they can be as inconsiderate as anyone else. And often extremely arrogant.
@‘I don’t know how it is in Mexico? I had another 2 guest after that, not wearing mask, and bring Unknow guest also.
i don’t know how to stop that drama in USA. Lol
@Karla128 I haven't hosted since March, because I have a home share listing and no way am I going to share spaces with anyone during this pandemic. I miss hosting and the income, but it's not worth risking my health or life.
Virus is bad in Mexico. So many people ignoring precautions entirely or wearing a mask under their nose.
My town is full of tourists, crammed together on the street, in bars and restaurants. It's insane. I just avoid all of it as much as possible, and am fortunate to live on the outskirts of town in the countryside with plenty of fresh air and few people around.
Turn off IB and only accept guests who confirm in writing that they will wear a mask or stop hosting during the pandemic . @Karla128
Hello @Karla128 < Are you aware it is optional to wear a mask/ face-covering and that there is a list of exemptions that applies in most countries?
Perhaps have a look on Google, or in here where we have previously posted it.
UK Guidance for them has been used across the world as a Template.
It's also unacceptable to ask a person why they may or may not be wearing one or to tell a person to wear one under Common Laws.
All the best
No it's not actually if you sign up to Airbnb's cleaning regime @Helen427 - both hosts and guests need to use them in communal spaces.
@Helen427 No, it isn't optional to wear a mask in a host's home if the host requires that. Just like it isn't optional for a guest to prance around naked in the host's home, or smoke indoors, etc. It is private property and the host makes the rules.
And as others here have enlightened you, it is govt. mandated in many places.
@Helen427 where have you been throughout the entire pandemic and where did you get those ideas from?
@Hugo550 If you are addressing the poster from New Zealand, she has been in New Zealand, where her govt. had the most sane and effective pandemic response of any country in the world, a response that has kept her safe and for which she obviously has no appreciation.
FYI you should tag whoever you are addressing here, so it's clear. Just hit the @ symbol, a list will come up and click on the right name. If you don't see their name in the box, just start typing it in after the @ as it appears on their post and new lists will come up.
It is certainly not against the law to require people to wear masks indoors and when unable to maintain social distance outdoors in California and it is perfectly legal to remind them to do so. If someone has a medical condition that preclude them wearing a mask they can isolate away from others, they are not entitled to flit about with abandon, just try going into stores unmasked, isn't going to happen. We are starting to circulate a more infectious virus mutation, we don't need science scoffers to make things worse just as we are getting a vaccine rolling out. I'm glad the fool is gone from your listing (and maybe has left the state!) Stay well, Sally
Sorry, you are in UK. I am in California, USA. Our state lock down. And no service with no mask. It is my property. I posted no service without mask in every areas , entries, etc. Even emailed each guest. I am fully covered to our right. At cpvid-19 .
If guest chose not to wear mask. They have 24 hours cancel freedom.
After that. It is our freedom to feel safe away from those don't wear mask.
Covid19 California Mask Wearing Exemptions which includes information on "Some people are exempt from wearing Face Coverings at all times:"
@Karla128 @Sarah977 @Sally221 @Helen3
I may not live in either USA or UK however the exemptions to wearing of Face Coverings/ Masks information is readily available online.
Have a great day