Where can I get support from higher ups?

Where can I get support from higher ups?

I've gone through probably 12 agents since March 5th regarding my issue.


Jan 13th I had an issue of changing payment method and rebooking, the support agent at the time advised me to cancel the current reservation to fix the payment issue.


So, I did. But when I tried to rebook, cascading events due to poor Airbnb service and airbnb system error caused me to miss my rebooking. I had to reserve elsewhere at a higher cost. Airbnb is now demanding I pay because "you canceled" but I canceled as advised by their agent! I did not want to cancel at first, I followed instructions given by the agent, and expected smooth rebooking process.


Instead what I got was a MESS of rebooking process that made me lose my reservation. Airbnb agents have told me a goodwill exception can't be given to me (due to their mistakes) because the host was given one due to loss of guest. Ive asked them to reconsider as BOTH host AND guest lost reservations due to Airbnb's errors.


They are denying accountability that had me lose my reservation and are putting the financial liability on me. 


It is ridiculou, because I have already spent more on a new reservation due to the error i faced when attempting to rebook at the time of Jan 15th and Jan 16th. 


1 Reply 1


Sorry this happened...we would need more information in order to be able to help you:


Why did you have to change your payment method on the first booking?


Did you notify the Host that you were having issues and ask them for help or request they keep the dates open so you could rebook?


What was the problem when you tried to re-book?