Where do I find my Airbnb property listing number?

Level 1
Gilbert, AZ

Where do I find my Airbnb property listing number?

22 Replies 22



Looking for my listing number as well. The one I found after room/ is 576069815326176004, doesn't work and seems too long. I've had my listing posted for over a month and haven't had one booking. Not sure what's going on. Any suggestions would be amazingly helpful! 


Thank you ever so much!

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



These are your listings (the listingnr is at the end of the URL):





No idea why you can not find them, as the whole world can see them on your profile:





Thank you Emiel for that! Glad to see it's out there at least 🙂

Not on a device you can’t. 

Level 2
Driffield, United Kingdom

Hi @Denise1498 


Ours is a long number too (we are in the UK): https://www.airbnb.co.uk/rooms/560008228108098931


We haven't had any bookings since Airbnb changed its algorithms and introduced categories. They decide which one you are in, based on key words in your listing.


Check the wording you are using, make sure there is text with your photos, and keep your listing fresh i.e. update it regularly so that the algorithm checks it.


If you are brand new, you can offer a discount and see if that helps.


Good luck.



Level 1
Marquette, MI

Using a device I cannot find my listing number anywhere. 

Level 2
Sydney, Australia

this is a very old message. 

Level 1
Positano, Italy

I can’t find it neither