Hello @Caroline2546
All of your pictures have been taken in portrait mode which is not ideal - Airbnb recommend taking them in landscape mode to give guests a better idea of the space involved. The first picture is the one that will give guests the wish to click or to pass you by and the other four are highly important too. You have commented the photographs so that's great. Tips below:
I would recommend going back to your listing in host mode to complete all of the sections available to you. Two lines to describe your place is just not enough information.
Several sections missing that are available to you now that you have gone live.
Your space seems very functional but not very cosy. Imagine yourself as a guest coming to your place and see if anything is missing. Compare your listing to other places to make sure you are correctly priced for same amenities, minimum trip length etc
The listing says you are close to shops but how close? Walkable and if so how many minutes? Map?
Hope this helps