# of guests

# of guests

My listing allows 6 guests in a booking.  If the guest has more than 6 people there is an extra charge per person per day.  I am wondering how other hosts handle a situation where a guest says there will be 4 people but when they arrive there are 6 or more.

1 Reply 1
Level 2


Hi Diane-and-Allen0,

I understand your concern about managing extra guests who show up unexpectedly. It's a situation many hosts encounter, and having a clear strategy can make a big difference.

Firstly, ensure your house rules explicitly state that the booking is for the number of guests declared at the time of reservation and mention any extra charges for additional guests. It's important to be upfront about this to avoid any surprises.

A day or two before check-in, send a message to your guests to confirm the number of people arriving. This not only helps in reinforcing your house rules but also provides an opportunity to remind them about any additional charges if they plan to bring more people.

On the day of arrival, if you can, greet your guests in person or have a reliable check-in process that allows you to verify the number of people. If more guests arrive than booked, kindly remind them of your policy and request the additional payment.

In case the guests refuse to pay the extra charges or if there are any issues, don't hesitate to contact Airbnb support for assistance. They are there to help you handle such situations.

Having these measures in place can help manage extra guests smoothly and ensure your hosting experience remains positive.
