so a guest shows up with a 'service animal', what are AirBnB's policies on that?

Level 2
St Augustine, FL

so a guest shows up with a 'service animal', what are AirBnB's policies on that?

75 Replies 75
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

It's unlikely that AirBnB's policy over-rides any local regualtions or laws. So in the UK for example, guide dogs and assistance dogs are entitlede to travel with, stay with, be with the person they are guiding at all times and it is illegal to deny them service because they are dependent on an assistance dog.

you're right 100%

Level 1
Denver, CO

The Americans with Disabilities Act states that no business shall deny someone services if they have a service animal with them. Therapy dogs are under another guideline altogether and don't have the same protections. There is a difference between the two.  For service animals, you should know you are only allowed to ask 2 questions to service animal owners: 1) is this animal YOUR service animal and 2) what service does your animal provide. After that, you are expected to provide them with the same service as you would anyone else. With that said, your guest with the service animal should definitely be letting the host know of the service animal before hand, and, if your specific place cannot accommodate a service animal, they would have the opportunity to find another airbnb host that does, therefore airbnb hasn't violated any laws. If they just "show up" and you cannot accommodate, I would notify airbnb immediately and it would be their responsibility to re-place them at a location that can accommodate. If you decide to allow the service animal, and they didn't let you know before hand, I would definitely put that in the review. They should be letting people know. Just like people with service animals do when they fly, etc. 

Would an emotional support dog qualify as a service animal or a therapy animal?


According to the airbnb website, Service animals and therapy animals (emotional support) are both listed under their heading of "Assistance Animals."....From what I've read in the airbnb info, it appears that you must accomodate any guests traveling with any assistance animal, whether it's a service animal or therapy animal. It also appears that you can't ask for documentation. (There are two questions you can ask.) Even though guests are encouraged to let the home owners know ahead of time---a guest can show up with an assistance animal (service or therapy) and the host cannot turn them away, even if your listing says "no pets." 

@Annette-And-Evan0There are the 2 questions for Service Animals, but I do not think there are any for Emotionl Support, well that is how I read it. Which I thought was a bot odd.


Yes, I think you are right... the two questions pertain to the Service Animals. 

So if you can't ask for documentation, anyone can say their pet is an "assistance animal" and they have to be accommodated. I'm glad I'm pet-friendly as this could be a mine-field.

Exactly, since there is really no way to stop them or validate them anyways, much better and easier to just allow pets. Get more bookings and kids are going to cause way more of a mess and more likely to cause damage than a traveling pet will ever be. And although you cannot charge extra fees for the animal, if it leaves an extra mess or damages something, you just charge the guest like you would for any other mess/damage. That is perfectly OK.

I know it is recommended to tell the host ahead of time, however a disable person is taking a chance of being discriminated against. 

I never disclose I have a service animal because federally I don't have to. 

A jaybroni like you would do that I bet.

Quick question.   My family is very allergic to most animals and use the house (listing) regularly.  I don’t want to discriminate, but I also want to use it.  Please keep in mind that where I live there are many airbnbs and hotels.  What would you do if you were me?  This is a very genuine question.  

ADA only requires reasonable accomidation. the rights of one do not override the rights of another.

Allergies are also covered under ADA so if if Air BNB gives you problems, take them up on that.

all these people with fake service animals are going to start running up against people with mysterious ailments that counter ADA as unreasonable accomidation.