Airbnb canceled the order without my permission

Level 1
Milan, Italy

Airbnb canceled the order without my permission

So yesterday an accidental booking was made on the behalf of my account and I completely take full blame for it. 

So consequently I contacted the support to ask how is possible to get a full refund considering that less than 24 hours passed.

So instead of a reply I got a notification of cancellation saying that I have to pay "216€" but I never asked them to cancel it I was just asking information how is this fair.

After this they messaged me non stop I mea is it unethical or am I ? 

What should I do ? And also what am I entitled to do in a situation like this ? 

1 Risposta 1
Level 10
Rome, Italy



devi ricontattare telefonicamente l'assistenza e spiegare l'errore...



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