Preparation Time: A Community Help Guide

Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Preparation Time: A Community Help Guide

-----------------Updated June 2017--------------------

An updated version of this Community Guide is now available, click here to view.




I have seen this question come up a few times on the Community Center so I created another Community Help Guide on this topic.  Many people need time to clean their unit so you have an option to have "preparation time" before and after your bookings.  Now, I really wish Airbnb would add two more options which would include 1 day before only and one day after only.  In order to have that now, you need to manually block those dates off in your calendar.


Automatic Blocking for Preparation Time


Step 1: Click on "Host" and then "Manage Listings".  You will then want to choose "Manage Listing and Calendar".


manage listing 2.png


Step 2: You will see your calendar displayed.  On the right hand side, choose "Availability Settings" and then choose "Preparation Time".




Step 3: Choose one of the options from the dropdown box.


prep time1.png


Here is what each option does to your calendar:


Block one night before and after each reservation




Block two nights before and after each reservation






Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

5 Replies 5
Level 1
Cartagena, Spain

Hi Dave and Deb,


I fully agree with you. We don't need to block two days (one day before only and one day after) for each booking. Airbnb should realize they are making us (and they) to miss many potential bookings because we are having to block one more day than needed in each booking.


By the way, their integration with Google calendar is really poor: they not only don't export the preparation dates, but also do not include the checking out day in the calendar - that can misslead hosts into a potentially embarrasing situation (e.g. entering in the property when guests are still there). And, of course, they also don't export the info with the check-in and check-out hours. This very bad integration do not help us who use web calendars (who doesn't nowadays?) to organize our daily activities 




You are correct in your observations of the effect with these 2options.  

Will selecting the 1day before and 1 day after mean a 2 day gap between all bookings and the next option looks like a 4day gap? 

I just try to pay attention to whose arriving next.... Thanks for all the great guides.


Yes Christine, I am afraid you are correct.

Airbnb should really address those points. 


Level 2
Johannesburg, South Africa

Thank you for this guide. I don't even recall having selected the preparation time when I set up and I had been wondering why I had these gaps.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello Everyone,


Thanks for your participation here. I just wanted to let you know that there is now an updated version of this Community Guide, click here to view.


I will now close this topic for new posts. 


Thank you,




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