Hola a todos, un placer formar parte de esta comunidad de an...
Hola a todos, un placer formar parte de esta comunidad de anfitriones, con mi pareja tenemos una casita en Uruguay que venimo...
Busco otros anfitriones que sientan que han sido utilizados por Airbnb para compartir experiencias y recursos ante un eventual cambio de plataforma o demanda colectiva
@José-Enrique0 Hola! Tu sentimiento es normal....tu...como todos los que estamos en esta plataforma, y otras plataformas, estamos perdiendo dinero por el Covid-19 (algunos más y otros menos, en función del alojamiento y su ubicación).
Buscar culpables? Demanda colectiva? Chica tarea es esa....esta mañana he leído en el formato digital de un periódico de tirada nacional, la noticia de que una investigadora de origen chino afirma que el Covid-19 ni es de origen natural ni se originó en el mercado de Wuhan, es decir, según ella, origen malintencionado.
Crees que algún día sabremos la verdad? A quien culpamos?
AIRBNB es un negocio, como lo es un supermercado que cobra mas caro, aprovechando que la gente ahora consume mas en sus casas....como también lo es una empresa petrolera que viendo que se consume menos combustible, lo abarata porque sabe que si no lo vende, el producto se degrada...
Quien paga siempre las crisis? El ciudadano...siempre es así..
A mi me consta que ha habido anfitriones que justamente con esta pandemia han facturado hasta mas que en circunstancias normales. Por qué? Pues porque han tenido la suerte de que sus alojamientos están situados en lugares o reúnen las características, que la gente ha demandado estas semanas y meses atrás.
Ha habido otros que han tenido la posibilidad de acortar sus estancias mínimas para captar otros perfiles de huéspedes....
No se...pero creo que esto es mercadotecnia...y es una perdida de tiempo buscar culpables.
Yo he sido un socio leal de Airbnb y me siento absolutamente abandonado. Directamente es imposible hablar con ellos. En lo que a mi respecta....se termina mi relación con ellos.
si, cada vez mas abandonados
An excellent host record is not worth Airbnb.
Lucy9 in
CABA, Argentina
Level 3
05-19-2021 07:49 PM
85 Visits
But my pride as a hostess who has worked hard for so many years, with determination and love for my home and my guests, who testify to it in 155 evaluations, I will not allow a guest who is absolutely disobedient of all elementary rules of coexistence within the Community. from Airbnb, who mistreated me, who surely infected me with Covid 19, who did not respect my 75 years in the middle of the pandemic, who left damages that I have to take care of, who received me without a chinstrap, both she and her sister, husband , aunt, etc, that many people let in and spent the night in my house, a house not an apartment! Old house with high walls; Perhaps you read the evaluations ..... a SILENT house, because as well as the noises from outside do NOT arrive, being 50 meters from Av 9 de Julio ... they tell you ... the widest in the world and on Salta street that many bus lines pass .... An oasis in the middle of the city .... you don't hear anything from outside either, my only neighbor on the border does not hear anything, but he does have eyes like my neighbor across the street and my maid Marta, I read about her in some evaluation ..... obviously in those conditions we can think that if there was a party or not, but we do know that a lot of people came in especially on weekends, but being like I am a respectful hostess and that I always trust my guests, I do not have a camera inside the house of 450 square meters covered and the large external space, which today would help me to test if there was a party or a meeting with more than 16 people, just my word that for Airbnb It is worth nothing, they did not kill anyone or were injured, I suppose, neither co came the police. She, that the only membership that she has with the Community is the only reservation she made, because the 2 that appear are in the name of her husband, the one of my house that is, she does not have other personnel, she pulls down with her lies, lies that gladly accept you and Airbnb, that ...... you received a dirty house with hidden things, which did not meet your expectations .... because it was on Airbnb ...... Excellence is not born, it is done !! . My reviews were not born of lies, exchanges or anything suspicious, like hers who writes clearly, -I don't want to make a bad review if you don't charge me extras ........ and everything else. If you and Airbnb accept what she says: I wonder, because for 20 times in a row they gave me the honor of being SUPERHOST, because they chose my home to be PLUS ......
I am proud of what I did, how I grew as a person and host all these years in which I worked and also contribute with the groups defending Airbnb and the condition of temporary rent as a source of fresh currency for the country, because there are many of us each We do a wonderful job to conquer and make happy the tourists who come to Argentina through this platform, then I tell myself ... it's just smoke, it doesn't do what it preaches!
I feel very proud of having done everything I did, that's why I am not going to publish my house and it is not that I go out to look for other companies, no, I was never interested or interested, I was always on Airbnb, but what it cost me to get What I have achieved is not going to be bastardized on my page and since you decided not to take that liar and deceitful evaluation, I take my page ... because I know what it means, the average of people will read that evaluation and the rest will to be of little use. So that's my decision.
Angela Lucia Maria