[Friday Facts] Did you know...

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

[Friday Facts] Did you know...

Did you know that...


As it's Friday I thought it is time for some trivia! 🙂


Did you know that...about 44% of the world's population lives within 150km of the sea?  (According to UN Atlas, 2010)


Are you one of the 44%? 🙂



Who is up next? You can either share a Did you know? fact or perhaps test our knowledge with a question. 


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2 Replies 2
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

In fact I did know that, yes :proud:


I was born on an island, right on the seaside, and now I live in a city that's exactly some 150 km off the sea.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Lovely to hear your response @Ana7, I love the sea too. It must be fantastic growing up on an island, was it quite a small island? I suppose in a way living in the UK I have grown up on an island, but I was relatively far (for the UK) from the sea so even now it is a bit of a novelty. 🙂



As it is Friday...it is time for another Friday Fact!!


This week, I have kept on a global theme. 


Did you know that...more countries begin with the letter 'S' than any other - with 28 names beginning with this letter. (According to US Department of State website)


It would be great to hear your Friday Fact! 🙂


Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

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