I’m on the market for a new gas dryer for my airbnb. The hou...
I’m on the market for a new gas dryer for my airbnb. The house sleeps 10.what models do you guys recommend? I understand some...
Hi hosts,
Have you all seen the article that came out this morning regarding Airbnb's new cleaning guidelines??
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We'll worded @Denice24
Have you read your Public Health Act?
It should have what the standard requirements are for cleaning when someone who has had an infectious disease in your home has.
Try locate the earlier Public Health Acts from your region if you can, the pre 1950 ones are a great read & very informative 😉
There's some great stuff in the earlier Public Health Acts about cleaning of handkerchiefs / tissues. Heaven forbid if they ever dare include the use of masks in them..
Fred, maybe you & Mia could design some handkerchiefs for your guests to give to them... practical & multipurpose, used for bandages, face masks, hair pieces and loin clothes like they used to be, quite unlike masks...maybe the makers of masks want to create a MASK ISLAND in the ocean to create a unique accommodation experience, a bit like the ole PLASTIC bag floating ISLANDS we now have as that's where unfortunately single use PPE/ PEP rubbish will be disposed to.
There's a very valid reason people were gifted cotton handkerchiefs & woollen socks for birthdays & Christmas....as much and all as people got sick of receiving them they do go hand in hand with cleanliness & warmth & influenzas...and can be used many a time
This 'cleaning protocol' is so not science-based that it makes my blood boil. How DARE Airbnb use the Covid-19 situation as a PR tool and yet another weapon with which to beat hosts.
There is nothing in this 'protocol' that fits with the current knowledge about how the virus is transmitted or what is needed to mitigate its effects. If every hospitality provider followed this bogus 'protocol' no hotel could function.
It disgusts me that our choices are to sign up to something so utterly bogus or be relegated to Airbnb Siberia. I didn't think Airbnb could sink any lower in their attempts to use this global cluster **bleep** to boost its own profile or to assert control over hosts. Wow, was I wrong, so wrong. Airbnb, hang your corporate head in shame. You've done the impossible and outdone yourselves this time.
Unfortunately, Airbnb doesn't really care. There are 20 new hosts for every one that leaves.
"There are 20 new hosts for every one that leaves"
No, there aren't. There really aren't.
This is actually a myth, the perpetuation of which leaves hosts feeling worthless, powerless and expendable, and engenders in them in a submissive, obedient mindset, which in turn, allows Airbnb to get away with becoming more and more exploitative and oppressive.
The truth is - even since long before the COVID crisis hit, Airbnb was having to offer unprecedentedly generous referral fees to lure new hosts to the platform (up to €550 in Europe, $750 in US, $850 AUD), to maintain the illusion of impressive organic growth, in order to attract potential IPO investors.
Now, since COVID-19 came along, the company has been forced to suspend the new host sign-up referral fees as part of its efforts to save $800 million in marketing and hiring expenses this year. Additionally, the platform is bleeding a flood of hosts who are bailing out as a result of Airbnb's handling of the COVID/EC refund debacle, and let's face it, with the storm of terrible PR their shabby and shady treatment of their current hosts has generated for the company, it would be a very reckless and foolhardy would-be host that would climb aboard the leaking ship now.
For the first time in many years, the reality is, Airbnb needs us, more than we need Airbnb. Know your worth hosts, and stand up for your rights.
So, airbnb announces yet another new policy, but the policy itself, is unavailable. No one knows what special cleaning products or cleaning procedures will be mandated, even though, it seems very doubtful that airbnb or even the guests could ever know or prove whether the protocols were followed and the 'approved' products were used. A mandatory at minimum 24 hour waiting period which means no more same day in/out, which will lose hosts a lot of revenue.
Yeah, that sounds exactly like a new airbnb initiative.
Someone needs to tell Airbnb that they need us because they certainly put a lot of their burdens on hosts to resolve on their behalf.
Yes...and as if the treatment of Hosts during COVID-19 weren't enough to turn off Hosts from ABB, but ever since this began, the inquiries from Guests have become increasingly sketchy, entitled, and rude -- usually with new, or just very empty profiles. This reputation of Airbnb having low quality Guests is gaining traction. Quality Hosts with quality inventory want no part of this high risk enterprise.
@Shannon199 @Susan17
I am just done. As a health care worker I am already doing the cleaning procedures suggested and have since I started. I agree that guest have some responsibility in the fight against spreading this virus. I will honor my commitment to my guest for the Kentucky Derby in September but I will not be hosting again. I have blocked my calendar and will remove the listing after September. I think Airbnb has left host in a horrible position. I am lucky-this is not my main source of income.
How is airbnb going to know what cleaners anyone uses? Not that they care, because they don't as far as I know ever check up on the claim of paying a fair wage, but at least, IF they did it, there would be a record. Unless they mandate that the entire cleaning is videotaped, they can never know what was used.
@Lizzie what about home share hosts? I can close the door to the room but I can't close my entire home.
I have a UV-C/ozone machine on order to be delivered this week. 30 minutes in the guest room will disinfect it. I have disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizer, laundry sanitizer, disinfecting mopping solution, plastic to cover my dining table, and a 3rd basin to disinfect my dishes. With the exception of the UV-C machine, I already do more than most hotels do.
Hey @Robin129,
Great to hear from you, I hope you are doing ok.
It's really interesting to hear about your cleaning routine going forward (it sounds very impressive), I think whether you are a host or not, cleaning is definitely a priority at the moment.
Regarding your question. I'm not sure if you have seen the Airbnb Resource Center article on the Cleaning initiative, if not, there is actually more information on hosting private rooms there.
To summarise though, as the Enhanced Cleaning Initiative encourages some measure of physical distancing. Since this is hard to do in a shared setting, private room listings aren’t currently eligible to get the cleaning protocol call-out or to be opted in to the booking buffer program. Private room hosts will still have access to the cleaning protocol and can choose to incorporate the recommendations into their cleaning routine.
I hope this helps and hope you are keeping well, stay safe.
Thank you,
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
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@Robin129 Hate to rain on your parade but ....
Are you aware that atmospheric ozone at levels high enough to kill Covid-19 is toxic to all living organisms and highly corrosive to rubber, fabrics and the insulation on electrical wiring and that ozone generators should never, ever be used in a domestic setting unless the place is vacant and sealed?
And yes, in theory, UV-C works, but if you use a wand you have to hold it close to every surface for 30 seconds at a time. Great for sterilizing phones and drinking bottles, but a whole room? You could probably clean it faster with a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a Q-tip. And if you're plan is to use one of those ridiculous vertical bar units that you plonk in the middle of the room, save your money. They are less than useless. The UV-C sterilisation that is used in medical and scientific facilities is via massive ceiling and wall UV-C arrays that 'cook' the room in bursts when vacant. Even then, they only sterilise the room's atmosphere and any surface both facing and close to the light source. You couldn't possibly replicate this in a domestic setting, nor do you need to. Save your money and send it back.
Holy Crap @Yiwei3 , this is getting crazy, the micromanagement from the mothership is becoming tiresome and overly burdensome. There might not be enough money in this gig if we are forced to block out days in between every booking. I don't have many bookings left for the next months as it is, (One less actually as of 5 minutes ago) but I do have them that are back to back already so obviously I can't comply with a 24 hour between much less 72 hour! I wonder, am I supposed to start cancelling them to comply if I wanna be Call out qualified?
We dont share spaces with guests so at least we dont have to deal with that added contamination possibility and we have always been very thorough about our cleaning and disinfecting but bringing in a hazmat team for every cleanout is ridiculous to be sure. I will have to wait and see if the rest of the cleaning suggestions are actually something reasonable to decide if either is worth chasing, also see what my neighboring competition decides to do and see if there is any market left to work in. My head hurts, this needs to end soon, stay well, JR
@Melodie-And-John0 I have a shared room downstairs that I am blocking off because there's no real reason for anyone to stay there now that people aren't traveling. I also don't want to be interacting with guests right now... For the other places, I am disinfecting as much as I can. However, there aren't enough cleaning supplies right now...
You bring up a good point about cancelling reservations...I'm not sure how that will work if it's booked in advance.
What a slap in the face while we're already down.
@Adam-and-Ike-0 That's what I am not happy about. I'm sure most hosts don't even know about this.