Hey guys, I just started about three months ago, I can’t com...
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Hey guys, I just started about three months ago, I can’t complain but I know I can get more bookings, please your advice on w...
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Hello everyone,
A topic that we talk about fairly regularly here in the Community Center is around how to manage linens and bed sheets, especially when it comes to providing them, changing them and washing them. We also see hosts ask what colour linen others think are the most welcoming, but also the most managable when used regularly.
There are quite a lot of different solutions that hosts adopt, many of which are based on the type of accomodation you offer, but one of common concerns is around controlling costs. Perhaps you have a plan of how often you change the bedding and replace it, perhaps you have little tips like applying a mattress cover to help prevent ware, perhaps you choose to wash your linen at a certain temperature to make them last longer.
How can you offer an excellent service and keep in budget at the same time?
Please share your tips on how to manage linens and bed sheets, and get inspired by the solutions suggested by other hosts. Please give a “thumbs up” on your favorite ideas shared by others!
I look forward to hearing from you.
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@Portia6 Sounds great, but misting bedding would never work in hot humid tropical places. It wouldn't dry, believe me, and the bed would just stay damp.
One thing I have found handy, though, as I'm not in the habit of ironing sheets, is, if they are pretty wrinkled, to put them on the bed and iron them on the bed. It's so much easier than on an ironing board.
And I'd also never use scent in a spray for a guest room. You might think lavendar smells great, but personally I can't stand that smell.
Yeah, lavender certainly isn’t one I would use in my own home either. That’s why I usually only use distilled water.
As far as misting wrinkled beds, it most definitely works here in my California climate but I know it wouldn’t work in a tropical environment. The last thing you would want would be bedding that smells like mildew. Haha
Hi guys, I am opening up my mother's 15-bed villa on airbnb and I am in need of a lot of bed linen. I am based in London but the villa is in Crete. Any advice on where to buy the linen?
Shipping isn't cheap so if anyone knows any good Greek suppliers that would be amazing ! It would also be a bonus to use organic fairtrade cotton.
Thank you!
What does everyone think of the eco-bedding? such as Bamboo?
example https://www.cosyhousecollection.com/products/luxury-bamboo-bed-sheets-queen-size
I have to say that the issue of what type of sheets to use is annoying. I have bought “wrinkle-free” only to discover that they were the most wrinkled sheets and I am not going to iron them. I have built up a collection of sheets that are fine for our personal use, but not for guests. I used to have a few different expensive organic cotton sheet sets to rotate through, which worked well until the following things happened: 1) The flat sheet trim eventually wrinkled up. 2) A young guy ate a meat pizza in the bed and the fitted sheet had oil stains that would not come out. I had spent 3 different laundry cycles and 4 hours after my guests left, trying to remove the pizza stains. They never came out. 3) I had a few guests use face lotions with benzoyl peroxide in them, which bleached the pillow cases.
After that, I switched to much cheaper brushed polyester sheets, as they resist stains.
They aren’t my favorite type of sheet, but they are smooth. If they start getting rough, I will buy another set.
As for washing the sheets, I intentionally buy dark-color sheets, no bleaching involved.
This is mainly because I live in a very rural location and many houses here have the clothes washer water drain through a pipe out onto the yard behind the house. I have free range chickens in my yard, who get curious and could potenially drink the water out of the pipe if I were to run the washer during the day, instead of when they are roosting. I can’t risk my birds drinking detergent and bleach water.
In 4 years of hosting, I have never heard a complaint about the type of sheets I have on the bed.
I wash and dry the guest sheets separately from all other laundry. I consider the sheets to be very clean when I pull them from the dryer.
I am the same way with using bleach, we have our own little sewage treatment system ( since our soakaway septic was condemned and no longer working bcz it wasn’t built properly), so the grey water gets sent into the garden.
The whole thing is basd on promoting bacteria to treat the waste.. bleach kills bacteria so it is used in moderation in our home.
We use light blue and grey sheets which compliment de decor beautifully, 400 thread count. Never have had a complaint. I think if the place is spotless and fresh there is no reason for guests to think the linens might not be clean.
Someone was asking what brands are used.
I used ‘ Pinzon’ from amazin, they’re 400 thread count. They’re super well made and are soft. The only thing is the tend to wrinkle so I have to set the washer to medium spin and dryer on med heat.
Other than that they are great.
Does anyone have experience with microfiber sheets?
I notice Microfiber can't be washed cold and say no bleach. that could be problem no?
Should I go 100% cotton for washing Hot and with bleach? but then they get wrinkled
I just want to buy in bulk because I have 3 rentals now
Amazon has 10 packs of sheets, towels etc. Anyone recommend a certain brand?
I have always washed my microfibre sheet sets in cold water and they have lasted all this summer. I will probably give them a hot wash this weekend before storing them for the winter.
Added bonus: microfibre sheets dry much much quicker than cotton sheets.
How is Amazon Basics for TOWELS and for bed sheets? They have bulk white sheets and bulk towels
Thank you All, thank you @Lizzie . This has been valuable. Planning a BnB enterprise which will be on a business like basis. I am currently researching, and one of the issues to understand is the bedding configuration and care. Having spent last night reading about bed bugs, dust mites, pizza and other stains (eating pizza in bed I just don't get!) make up and lotions, I nearly had second thoughts about the whole venture. This thread has supplied some excellent concepts for the management of the linen so back on the project:
- hotel supplier for sheets
-White and cotton- but may consider some soft colour or texture pattern to duvet cover (keep a consistency in colour theme across rooms and properties to minimise time wasting and cost. -No polyester, would not accept it for myself
-full protectors for mattress and pillow
-provide dirty washing bag/basket and provide metal folding luggage stand- to ensure dirty laundry is kept away from bedding (another thread gave that hint to avoid the bugs)
-No ironing, - spritzer of vodka and distilled water, either for smoothing the linen or the worker..But will consider a steamer to brush over
-fitted sheet/flat sheet/duvet inner in cover/consider top flat sheet to extend timing of duvet cover washing
-Speed Queen washer- or like bullet proof washer
-White vinegar in wash- currently use this personally on advice from bedding retailer - excellent
-Have back up professional laundry service-
-Include house rule- no eating in/on bed
-provide black face cloth for make up removal, and other equipment to encourage good habits
-Still not sure about the type of throw or comforter to maintain to give that added warmth when needed. Or how often to wash etc. May keep it available in wardrobe to preserve
-Pillow menu not covered in this thread. I think 2 types, memory foam and standard fill hypo allergenic type.. Decorator pillows/cushions banned or kept to a minimum with storage provided.
Again, thank you
@Neil256 I've always been a natural materials gal myself, cotton, wool etc, no polyester, but a few years ago a friend gave me one of those fleecy throws as a birthday gift, which is actually large enough for me to use as a blanket, as I'm small. Total polyester, but I have to say it's the warmest thing I ever slept under, is soft and cozy and I love it. They wash up great and dry super quick, so you might consider those for added warmth or for guests to curl up with while sitting and watching a movie. The one she gave me was high quality, as she only buys things that are, so I can't vouch for how cheaper ones would hold up.
Thank you @Sarah977 . I'll take this on board. I want to maintain a certain upmarket standard but this could be a matter of 'get with the times' and practicality with wash and use. The BnB operation will be in NZ, my home country, which is known for cool winters (OK cold). This also brings to mind the Duvet inner. Feather and Down is not on for allergy reasons. Again prefer natural, but utility and cleanliness is essential. Any thoughts?
@Neil256 There are different qualities of those fleece blankets- I've seen really cheap, fairly thin ones, but the one I have is thick and I think it even had a Calvin Klein or Yves St. Laurent tag on it- like I said, the friend who bought it has upscale tastes, it wasn't a Walmart special.
But yes, utility and cleanliness are essential and while I've never had any guests stain anything to the point it couldn't be treated and washed out, I've read enough on the forums here to know that even if you are appealing to an upscale market, guests won't always take care of things- just cause someone's well-heeled and can afford a really nice place, doesn't mean they won't drink coffee in bed and spill it on the bedding 🙂 One host was practically in tears over her ruined $300 duvet cover.
I don't know if you have Costco where you live, but a friend who hosts swears by their packs of white towels and face cloths- says she doesn't know why, but everything washes out of them easily. And try to stay away from sets of things that you won't be able to match in the future. I.e. if all the beds have the same color grey sheets, you might not be able to find that exact color of grey when you need to buy more. Easier if you went with 3 different shades of grey, so any grey would look like it belonged. That's my 2 cents.