Are guests able to do laundry at your property?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Are guests able to do laundry at your property?



Hello everyone


I hope the start of fall/spring is shaping up beautifully in your area! 🍃/🍂


For many guests, having access to laundry facilities might be an important aspect of their stay, though this need often varies depending on the location and the nature of their trip.


Are guests able to do laundry at your property? If so, do you provide cleaning supplies, such as laundry detergent? If you don’t offer this service, I’d love to hear your reasons in the comments.


I look forward to hearing about your experiences!



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104 Replies 104

Yes, both a washer and dryer are in premise. I feel it sets an air bnb apart from hotels. I will look for this when booking my own Airbnb since I have a larger family 

Level 2
Shaftsbury, VT

I do not have a separate area from my home for laundry.

Although , in the case of someone needed to, on occasion. I would make an exception.

Its within my home…..I work part time out of my home during the daytime hours.

I think it could get a bit complicated.

Yes, definitely! We provide not scented & non allergic detergent sheets for all of our guests 😉

Level 2
Nantucket, MA

Hi,  Yes I offer commercial speed queen washer and dryer.  They are located in our basement.  $3 for a wash $2 for a dry.  I leave out the quarters and we go by the honor system.     Karen from Nantucket


Level 2
Cupertino, CA

Yes, we have a laundry room and provide laundry soap, dryer sheets for free. 

Level 2
Kernersville, NC

I feel it is important to provide a home-like experience for my guests. This ensures them to have a positive stay and promotes a comfortable feel while staying at your property.

Provide "extras"  such as laundry detergent for convenience . It doesn't cost much and makes all the difference.  

Hi Paula 

Yes, guests are able to use washing machine to do laundry at our property. Usage varies, some use the facility quite a lot and others don’t.



Level 2
Brattleboro, VT

My situation is a little bit unique. My AirBnB does not have a washer and dryer in the guest's space, and there's really no room for installing them, but the guest suite is upstairs over my vintage clothing shop, where I DO have a large capacity washer and dryer that I use to clean my vintage inventory. So my policy is that IF a guest is staying less than 7 days, no laundry facilities are available and I simply direct them to the neighborhood laundromat nearby. And IF a guest is staying longer than 7 days, I do offer them a key to access my shop washer and dryer. But they would need to agree to scheduling times they can use it, because for security reasons I can not leave a guest alone at night doing their laundry in my store. And there are some days I can not share the laundry machines, like when I am preparing a large batch of vintage clothes for a fashion photo shoot with models.


I have only been hosting since April and so far, no guest staying over 7 days has opted to use my shop's laundry. One guest staying 3 days asked about it, but was fine with going to the laundromat. Most of my guests are here for 3 to 5 nights and it really has not been an issue. I should add that I am not near a beach, so there's no sand or beach towels to contend with, and I do not host guests with pets or small children.


I DO really wish that AirBnB offered more listing options or a way to customize the amenities on the listing for washer and dryer. The choices are to say the machines are in the unit, or they are not available, or there is a paid washer and dryer in the building. None of those are totally accurate for my guest suite. I would love to have the option to say it's available for long term stays only, and it's available during specific business hours. I selected "paid laundry in building" but I am not charging them and I would provide the detergent and supplies.

Level 2
Darwin City, Australia

Hi Paula

I offer the first load of washing for free (including washing powder) and additional loads at AU$4.00 per load (including washing powder).  I provide a drying rack in their room.  I do not provide a tumble drier service.

Guests flying straight into Darwin from home typically do not do a load of washing, unless they are then going on to another location on holidays.

Guests who do do a load of washing typically have been away on a remote holiday location (hiking/camping) and are desperate to do a load of washing when they arrive!

Not very often that guests do more than one load washing.


Level 1
Taupō, New Zealand

Yes, we have a washing machine available and supply laundry detergent and fabric softener, no tumble drier, only solar drying. There is a laundromat with huge industrial driers close by. 90 % of our guests is one night stays, but we do allow long term stays to utilize the on site facilities by prior arrangement.  

Level 2
Sepang, Malaysia

We have a laundromat 50 meters from our homstays which we encourage guests to use as it is a comunity's laundromat with really affordable price.

 Yes, of course It is a family hosting service

Level 1
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Добрый день! 
да, я предоставляю стиральную машину и стиральный порошок внутри квартиры бесплатно. В квартире также есть складная сушилка, чтобы развесить постиранную одежду. 

Level 2
Baltimore, MD

Yes Paula, I provide W/D n fragrance free detergent. Weatherby they are there 1 night or more.  If they are there for 30 days n they run out of soap,  then  they need go out n buy more. For the most part they have enough 


I use pods now. Neater n limits how much liquid they use but gets the job done.   I have sort removers, but in find my housekeepers need  to use that a lot tob keep linens spot free ( guests dummy seem to understand that wash cloths can Be used to wash Faces rather than hand towels (leaving behind make up all over hand towels)

Level 1
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Our unit does not have a washing machine, but laundry services are available for a fee at a shop located on the ground floor. Delivery options are also available for added convenience.