

I am wanting to offer a continental breakfast with our listing. I took photos of Fresh Squeeze Florida OJ, fresh butter and english muffins and coffee/tea. But noticed that other posts in my area that offer breakfast (so they say), do not mention it NOR do they provide photos. Is there a reason for this? I found it odd that it is an amenity they provide, but no mention of it whatsover. I would imagine if it were mentioned, that would bring in more business. So now I am hesitant in mentioning or providing a photo. Thoughts if it's a good idea to just do it?

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Soraya205 

There are only two reasons that I can think of, maybe some other hosts can think of more.


1) Sometimes hosts don't want to create the expectation so they can exceed it (and hopefully be marked up in the review).

2) If the host isn't always able to offer the items, they may rather not mention it. If it's in the listing, guests can complain if they don't receive it. Perhaps some of the hosts know by now that they sometimes don't have time to re-stock.


The problem with offering something nice only some of the time, is that guests may mention it in their reviews. So even if you don't mention it yourself, a past guest may set the expectation for a future guest! For this reason, I would say it's best to only commit to doing things that you can keep up at every guest changeover.