@Coco184 . I host coastally- one place is approx 700m from the Pacific Ocean so yes there was salt spray on the door again this morning-and thats behind a flyscreen door! The porch area has a 600mm eave and a 1m canopy over the door however its a southerly position and facing towards beach.
The properties I host (all are in same area) all currently using Schlage Encode and are 3 years old, were recommended by the lock shop selling as he said good quality hardware. All are still working but some are in better condition than others.
I would say the one most exposed to the elements (east facing towards beach but about 1km from water edge plus lots of trees and other houses in between) is suffering now but that seems to be more from direct sun on keypad and the driving direct rain, rather than just salt spray (we've had unseasonal heavy rain on east coast last 3 years not to mention the humidity). The lock mechanisms work fine, just the keypad illumination is less than ideal so will need replacing in the next year.
Codes not working could either be issues with battery level or wifi- you should investigate as reissuing codes frequently seems a redundant exercise imo.
I have posted here before about these locks which I love the functionality of its (free) app as well.
My advice is anything you can do to keep the elements off the door is a worthwhile long term investment.
Hope this helps.