Hey guys, I just started about three months ago, I can’t com...
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Hey guys, I just started about three months ago, I can’t complain but I know I can get more bookings, please your advice on w...
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Has anyone been successful in converting their listing from a normal listing to a unique stay listing.
I have a few listings that now qualify under that category where it was not available at the time of my original listing.
Its been well published that people are looking for these types of listings closer to home and feel my listings will be better represented in this category.
I cant seem to find any way of changing the category its listed under.
The unique filter shows camper/RV, farm stay, treehouse, castle or tiny house as the search options right now, @Shaun124 . Is your listing one of those? If so, go to Listings then edit Property Type under Property and Guests to whichever of those unique types your place is.
Thanks Lawrence
That helped
i tried this but cant seem to find A-frame option, even tho i see it available as an option when viewing unique listings as a guest.
@Kevin2302 What is "unique" about an A-frame? It's simply a style of building that is actually quite common in many areas.
Your home is quite beautiful, and, as with most Airbnbs, unique in its own way, i.e. not some generic hotel room, but I don't see an A-frame as unique.
super helpful comment Sarah 👍
The A-frame is a certain style of house shape 🙂 Lots of people have favorite styles that they want to stay in such as Victorian, Log Cabin, Octagon.. So for the fan of a particular style, it's nice to have a search that includes this category.
I am having this same issue. I see it as an option in the Airbnb search, but I can't see where it select my property as an A-frame anywhere on the property listing page. Have you had any luck? 🙂
Any luck Sarah? I was going through forums and have the same problem, didnt know if you found a fix yet. Thanks!
I'm having the same issue. It's in the Search for Stays as a category but I can't seem to be able to find out how to change the listing itself.
Having the same issue. I've selected A-frame as a category when searching but our A-frame doesn't show up there. I changed our listing to a Unique stay as "other" in the meantime. Idk if that will help
Hi fellow hosts. I am wondering if I should be listing my property as a Farm stay, unique house, or just a cottage. I have been hosting for about a year as just a House. But our place is on a small family farm and I often take guests to feed and meet the animals. It is also a hand made and very unique rammed earth house. So I feel like I could list it in a variety of ways but want to make sure I’m selecting the best one for our audience. Most of our guests have been families looking for a quiet weekend in the woods.
Thanks for your advice.
I would list it as a unique stay, because it is. It’s not just a regular house in the city.
I don’t think it will hurt you and you can always change it back if you don’t get the results you want
Thank you. A lot of our guests are commenting on the animals and experience as well as the uniqueness of the house. So I just want to make sure I’m capturing the market.
@Terra118 If your target market is families, then Farm Stay might be best. Your cottage is indeed beautiful, but the fact that it's rammed earth construction doesn't really make it unique as far as the experience for guests goes, like staying in a treehouse or on a houseboat or in a castle. The construction technique isn't something that would affect a guests stay, and that the kids can help feed the animals seems like more of a draw than what the walls are made of.