Hello there! I'm searching for a cleaning person (not a company nor a management service) who can clean and prepare my small apartment in central Montreal before the arrival if a second guest, as I will be out of the country. Can anyone recommend a reliable person who specializes in Airbnb properties?
Hello Maria Cristina, Welcome to our Community Center🎉
I have moved your post to a more suitable board to attract the attention of our lovely community. I hope this helps to get some replies.
Additionally, it could be a good idea to explore the Local Host Clubs in Montreal, where fellow hosts can share ideas. Here is the link for you to explore.
Hello Maria Cristina, Welcome to our Community Center🎉
I have moved your post to a more suitable board to attract the attention of our lovely community. I hope this helps to get some replies.
Additionally, it could be a good idea to explore the Local Host Clubs in Montreal, where fellow hosts can share ideas. Here is the link for you to explore.