Do you provide gym equipment in your listing?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Do you provide gym equipment in your listing?

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Hi everyone,


As people are turning towards a healthy lifestyle, it might be interesting to include gym or yoga equipments to the listing. I'm curious to know if the hosts in our community provide any fitness gear for guests? 


Do you go with simple equipments such as dumbbells 🏋🏻, yoga mats 🧘🏻‍♀️ or treadmills 🏃? 


How do your guests react to having such fitness amenities?


Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.



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16 Replies 16
Level 2
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Hi, we actually have a full gym at our home, however i chose to instead just opt for some free weights laid out at the verendah area and a punching bag thats hanging in an open air space. Wanted to keep it simple since most will be on vacation and so on.


Always found that a little distraction from your workout with the view and surroundings normally helps time pass faster while burning those cals.

Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa

Hi I don’t provide gym equipment no space available. Here is a Virgian Active in my area.