How can we help guests reduce single-use plastic when they stay with us?

Host Advisory Board Alumni
Manly, Australia

How can we help guests reduce single-use plastic when they stay with us?

#PlasticFreeJuly: As a Host, I can help guests to further reduce plastic waste by providing reusable options they can use when staying with us.


Some items I like to add to my listing for guests to use include : 


  • Reusable water bottles
  • Reusable coffee cups
  • Reusable shopping bags
  • Reusable food storage containers
  • Suggest markets and bulk food stores that use minimal packaging for guests to visit
  • Offering reusable travel cards for guests to use when staying with me that can be left behind for the next guest to use. 
  • Suggest venues/activities for guests to visit that are taking steps to reduce plastic waste or help drive local beach/forest clean-up events.   

    Reusable :water bottles, Shampoo bottles, coffee cups, shopping bags ,food storage containersReusable :water bottles, Shampoo bottles, coffee cups, shopping bags ,food storage containers Reusable travel cardsReusable travel cards


What steps do you take to help your guests reduce plastic waste when they stay with you?

[Although I am a Host Advisory Board member, these articles are written based on own my personal experiences and opinions as a sustainable Host]

18 Replies 18
Host Advisory Board Member
Nairobi, Kenya

@Marielle135 Excellent! I feel you on the water. At our farm house listing, at the Mountain area, the water is pristine without city pollution and so clear as straight from the mountain. Nevertheless, it's salty, as it is borehole water.

So we bottle it in 20 litre Recyclable Bottles to allow it to settle. Others use water filters and dispensers.

Happy to learn on what you do! Merci. 😊. Jue


Host Advisory Board Member
Nairobi, Kenya

@Felicity11 This is great! 

In addition, we are careful to remind our guests that Kenya banned plastic carrier bags in 2017 & moved to ban plastic bottles in all National Parks, Game Reserves & All Forests in 2020

As not all Visitors into the country use Aircrafts. An announcement is made in the aircraft before disembarking. There are those who come by road from the various border points. 

We are sure to leave khaki bags and recyclable packaging material in our listings as well as our beautiful traditional sisal and fibre baskets 'Ciondo'& 'Kikapu'.


On cleaning detergent, I use a Biodegradable detergent that is free from Toxins and is usable right across the listing, from the kitchen, hand wash,  utensils, to ceramic tiles, bathrooms, clothes, cars, exterior, windows and glass panes! I find it Super useful and it's so affordable. Packaged in 5-10 litres jerrycans, allowing for dispensing into the various recyclable bottles in the listing. 

Thank you as always Felicity and Jennifer for your proactivity and being great Sustainable Hosts. Kudos 

Host Advisory Board Alumni
Manly, Australia

hi @Jue0 


Wonderful to hear what you do in your home to help guests reduce single use plastic.  It is great to hear about the cleaning products you are using to further reduce toxins entering our water systems and that it saves you money. I am sure your guests are very grateful.  It is so inspiring to hear your story. 


Thank you for your support. 

Host Advisory Board Member
กทม, Thailand

This is great. Thanks for sharing!! I have so many Airbnb goodies bags in my house. I’ll start placing it in the guest rooms. Hope they don’t take it with them though. 😛