Keeping white wash clothes white

Level 1
New Orleans, LA

Keeping white wash clothes white

I just opened our Airbnb 1 month ago. We have had 4 guest now. Our brand new white fluffy towels are full of stains I can not get out. Any advice on keeping white towels and wash clothes white? 
Thanks for any help!

1 Best Answer
Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa





My cleaning method for  everything white is using these products and with the liquid detergent. For the white towels I would add all the the products listed and when the rinsing cycle on the washing machine starts I'll add white vinegar (where you would normally add your softener) this method keeps my towels from becoming hard, so they stay soft for long. 

For stains I add,  bicarbonate of soda, a drop of liquid soap, a few drops of essential oils and water into a spray bottle, spray it onto the stain and after a 30min or so I'll wash it in the washing machine. This can also be sprayed onto your mattress for that special effect. 



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9 Replies 9
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Really depends what the stains are. I'd just use whatever you use to get various stains out of white towels/sheets etc at home @Sandy891 

Level 10
Santa Ana, CA

@Sandy891 , I also use white towels in our listing. I always spray/apply stain remover to the towels even if I can’t see stains prior to washing . I also add 1/2 borax to my whites (towels, & sheets).  After towels/sheets are washed I do a quick scan of washed items prior to throwing them in the dryer (just in case I missed a spot/stain). After items are dried, I check again for any stains, and if needs be, wash the item again. So far I’ve been pretty lucky to keep the cost of towel replacements down. I always have back up sets just in case I come across a stain that ends up ruining the towel. I then repurpose the towel to either the garage (for my husbands use) or (if the stain is small) I’ll use it for our personal use. 

You also might want to consider offering individually wrapped facial wipes/make-up remover. This helps tremendously in keeping white towels white. 

Thanks, I love the makeup removers towelette idea!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Galashiels, United Kingdom

Hi @Sandy891 


That's such a shame!

You're not alone on this one, we've had a few discussions around towels in general, so you might like to go and have a look at some of them for some inspiration!

If you head to the search bar at the top of this page, and type in "towels", you'll see a selection of posts from people in a similar situation to you. >Here is an example of a conversation from fellow hosts that you might find useful.

I hope you're able to find some more advice and information from those who have had the same experience!  




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Thank you I will do some searching now.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Sandy891 sadly towels are almost consumables. We usually go weeks without a problem and then have to scrap a number of towels (and sheets) in a short period of time. Hopefully your scrap rate will settle down after a bad start.

Thank you! I bought a large pack of towels and washcloths at Costco. 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Sandy891 yep that where we get ours (only in England)

Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa





My cleaning method for  everything white is using these products and with the liquid detergent. For the white towels I would add all the the products listed and when the rinsing cycle on the washing machine starts I'll add white vinegar (where you would normally add your softener) this method keeps my towels from becoming hard, so they stay soft for long. 

For stains I add,  bicarbonate of soda, a drop of liquid soap, a few drops of essential oils and water into a spray bottle, spray it onto the stain and after a 30min or so I'll wash it in the washing machine. This can also be sprayed onto your mattress for that special effect. 

