Limited Network Connection

Level 3
Lawrenceville, GA

Limited Network Connection

Hello All,


We are located in the mountains, when you arrive to our cabin you have limited or no network connectivity, depending on service provider.  We send a welcome package on how to access the cabin and also provide the WiFi name and password.  Today we had a group arrive and they could not get into the cabin.  They could not access the Airbnb messages since they had no network connection.  Customer had to drive offsite to get a network connection to access the Airbnb app to get the door code. We do have a note stating there is limited network connectivity.  Not sure what else to do to help prevent this from happening again. 

8 Replies 8
Level 2
Athens, Greece

Hi! You should call them well in advance or send them SMSs or messages on WhatsApp/Viber and make sure they read them well in advance before they arrive. Inform them about the problem

I did not know we could communicate outside the Airbnb app.  That you for the information.  

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Craig806 

In confirmed reservations, you have the option to attach a JPeg inside the Airbnb messaging system. I send arrival details in a Jpeg, which guests can download to their phone in case there's no network.


You can do the same and just make it very clear that they have to download before going to the cabin.

Level 4
Milwaukee, WI

@Craig806  Hello! Airbnb has the ability to schedule custom messages at a given time via the app. Just create a "helpful tips" or some such message in the App's Scheduled Messages and include very clear info on access, and anything else important, and set it to send to them THE DAY BEFORE check-in. I have 3 custom scheduled messages that are sent immediately on booking (thanks for booking etc), 2 days before check-in (where the house is etc for route planning) and the morning of check in (all details - long one). I've gotten lots of mentions that people like it because they don't have to search the app, it's all in one place. Plus they can't say I didn't tell them! Best of luck!

Level 3
Lawrenceville, GA

Hi @Quincy,


My wife was just telling me last night that we should have a welcome note at the door with the network name and password.  



Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Craig806,


Have you thought about placing a discreet note on the door with the Wi-Fi details? This way, guests without internet access can connect from outside the property to retrieve the door code. Ideally, they should check your messages beforehand, but this could be a helpful backup for those situations.


I'm curious what you all think. @Angela3989 @Shelley159 @Ilias67 



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Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa


Great idea @Quincy, because then they can also make contact if they have any problems.

(You'll just need to send something downloadable in advance to explain the route - I assume part of the problem is that they can't access Maps on their way over)

Hi @Shelley159,

We provide the routes and once you input the address in Maps if connection is lost maps will still take you directly to the cabin.