I need advice. I have one guest that got some kind of glue or something on an end table. The table was beautiful but now has a permanent mark on one side. The table is still functional but now cosmetically flawed and Im embarrassed to have it in my rental. How do I handle that issue? Do I replace the table? It matches the coffee table and I can’t find another like it. Do I have it refinished? Please advise.
Secondly, I just had a guest check out today that burned something in the microwave leaving a mess. My cleaners were able to clean the burnt food out but there is now a permanent yellow stain in the plastic inside the microwave where the burnt food was. Again, the microwave is functional but cosmetically flawed and I am embarrassed to have that in my rental as well. Do I request to replace the microwave? How should I handle that and what would Airbnb do if guest declines? You’re advice is appreciated.