I was shocked and disturbed to understand recently that Air...
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I was shocked and disturbed to understand recently that Airbnb is in support of Project 2025. We have been Airbnb hosts and...
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I am new to Airbnb. My guest at my home has disconnected my outside cameras . The cameras are offline. I notified my guest to please plug my internet back up but the guest has yet to do so. I have reached out to Airbnb at 9pm, Wednesday night to reach out to guest the next morning (guest work nights) to plug my internet back up. The representative end up calling the guest the same night but the guest told the representative that he got disturbed and he wants his money back. Now, I told told the representative that he was not to bother the guest and he did but now I want to speak to a supervisor and I have yet to hear from one. These people are still in my home and my cameras are not on. Can someone please guide me on what to do? I reach out to customer service but I want a supervisor not just a support person. Please help me
Are you close enough to stop by? If you don't have unplugging the cameras is not allowed in your house rules when the guest has the ability to do so At this point if you don't have a formal rule and you don't prevent access, it is just like maybe he unplugged the refrigerator too you do not have control just because cameras. Calling Airbnb is just going to highlight your error and may cause a review.
Either you have to make unplugging not available or you have to state in your house rules not allowed.
@Marie8425 you are incorrect. You should not give advice to people when you don't know what you're talking about.
Sorry you disagree. I am speaking from my experience obviously your experience is different.. I apologize you were offended
Thank you for messaging me. I can not wait until these people leave because guest agreed on Wednesday to plug my cameras back up but still have not. This is a lesson learned. I guess I will pray everything is okay but I am afraid they’ll do something to my property too
@Stephanie3219 AirBnB customer service is notoriously bad, and it's highly unlikely that you'll be able to get in touch with a supervisor. AirBnB is a listing platform only, and generally can't help much in situations like this. Your guest has done something wrong, and you should ask him to leave immediately.
I strongly disagree with the other "advice" given to you. You don't have to say in your house rules that your cameras shouldn't be tampered with. If that were the case, then you'd have to also say, don't break the dishes, don't tear up the walls, don't set the house on fire, etc.
There are unspoken rules that should always prevail. The guest has tampered with a security device, and has therefore broken your house rules. The cameras are there for a reason.
You need to explain this to customer service and have them cancel the remainder of his stay. You should also go over there yourself, if possible- (take someone with you!!) and tell him to get gone. Tell him that you'll refund the remainder of his stay, but he has to leave now.
If you don't live close enough to get there, and/or you don't have a cohost, then that's on you, but at this point you can't rely on AirBnB to do much. Getting them to cancel is best, but you'll have to call customer service and be polite but insistent. If you get an agent that won't help, call again.
Get this person out of your house now.
Thank you. I am near but I have no one to go with me. It’s like eight men there, like a work crew. The night before unplugging the cameras, one guy threw a peace sign and the next morning the cameras was offline. I past by each day but again I have no one to go over with me. They do not check out until next Sunday
@Stephanie3219 I just looked at your listing and now I see what the problem is. What were you thinking allowing fifteen guests in a two- bedroom home? What on earth?? Why?? Of course you're going to get work crews of men. Take your price of $126/night and divide that by 15. That's $8.50
Low prices attract low quality guests. Not meaning work crews- just saying it in general.
You should immediately change your capacity to 4-5 people. At most.
I didn't even look at your decor, house rules, etc. When I saw 15 in a two bedroom, I lost my mind.
I'm sorry, this is a hard lesson to learn. I understand that you're new to AirBnB, but you have to change your listing and vet guests, or this will happen again. I understand the need for money, but you may now be realizing that bad guests can cost you way more than the dollar amount of their stay.
There are ways to vet guests-you can have them answer questions when you set up a booking message, or you can also turn off Instant Book and have guests request to book. It's perfectly okay to ask what brings them to the area, who will be staying, etc.
You can also have them confirm that they have reviewed and agree to your house rules. Many hosts remind guests (again) in their check-in message.
You should come back to this community for help with any questions you have, or guidance in general. There are many experienced hosts here who are more than glad to help, and likely more diplomatic than I am. Sorry this is happening, and I wish you good luck in the future. Kia
Find someone to go over with you and get over to the listing if you can't get Airbnb to cancel the booking @Stephanie3219
where are eight contractors sleeping in a two bed apartment?
why does it say you can sleep up to 15 people in a two bed , I bathroom apartment.
U listed 15 people, talking about guest not sleeping. It’s a two bedroom but it’s four beds. A king, full, two twins. The living room is really big. But he turn one camera back on. I got a video where he did something to it and now it’s back on but only one.