Suggestions on how to publish my listing

Level 1
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Suggestions on how to publish my listing

Hi, I’m very new to hosting in Airbnb and would like to hear everyone’s suggestions regarding a listing that I have. I have a 4 storey bungalow that has 13 rooms and 9 bathrooms with an elevator and individual roller shutters on the stairs on each floor. I’m currently struggling on deciding if I should list it as a whole place or individual rooms since my listing is able to accomodate both. 

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Joyee4 with 13 rooms I suspect your capacity is well over the 16 person limit applied by Airbnb. Depending how the property can be split you could have several different sizes of listings with some overlapping (linking calendars to avoid double bookings)