Hello Everyone,I am looking to replace the mattress in my ai...
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Hello Everyone,I am looking to replace the mattress in my airbnb i have had both positive and a not so good review from one ...
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I'm not new at the AirBnB game. I know when there are 2 guests, sex may and, probably, will happen. I do not enjoy cleaning other people's love fluids. Occassionally you encounter some really young couple that clearly does not know how to have sex and he makes her bleed (I do have the urge to have the proper nailcare talk with them). I have had a situation that looked like a blood splater sceene from Dexter, and instead of cleaning them, they continued to sleep on them for a week... so there was not cleaning those sheets, to the garbage they went.
This past week I had a couple that chose to CLEAN the sheets... which basically was throwing blood stained sheets into to wash with a mass of powdered detergent (there was powder left over in the poor washing machine and bubbles coming out of the drain). I had to rewash them when I saw them drying with brown splatches. Then took the time to explain HOW to get blood and seimen out of sheets... Clearly, that did not get read or received. They washed the sheets again, this time dumping a whole lot of laundry detegent and a LITER of Chlorine Bleach for a set of sheets and 2 towels. Needless to say, my prestine white cotton sheets and towels are now blotchy yellow and brittle.
I know there has to be education of guests. But HOW do you teach them how to have sex without bloodying up the sheets and not to do laundry when they do not know how to? I'm not their mother, nor is it my business what they do behind closed doors. It is my business when I have to clean up a mess they leave (again, it's just an occasional couple here or there, often young, early 20's and from US).
Should I just not rent to young ones? I do not want to leave the house full of rules at every station explaining things that should be known by adults.
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Perhaps have something in you guest book or whatever information you leave for guests, to say that you realise that sometimes sheets, towels etc will get stained.
You can suggest if sheets/towels do get stained, this is how they should be washed and perhaps leave some stain remover for common stains such as blood?
Hopefully this will help minimise further mishaps?
@Victoria92 Maybe you could deduct a fee from their deposit (or at least put it in your house rules that a fee of X-AUD will be charged if sheets are ruined.) That seems fair. Even a hotel would do this. I know we're beholden to good reviews but many people need to be taught a lesson. Take pics, text them to guest. I'd personally be mortified and want to make it right if I ruined your sheets (even if my intentions were to save them).
@Stephanie6 I also went to a hotel one time and they had a little "Intimacy kit" with a price marked by the side. I thought it was a fantastic idea. I'm not sure how to charge for this- bill through special offer? Take out of deposit? I guess the terms should be clear.
I used to work as a hotel maid in high school and trust me- I've seen some gross stuff!
I use Goodwill sheets, or thrift store sheets. They work just fine.
AirBnB Treehouse for Rent
Sure, most humans have sex. What i do to and with my sheets is my business. What i do to others is called respect. There is such a word called 'discretion'. So saying 'get over it', doesn't work for everyone ......sorry!
Maybe provide a set of used towels and tell the guests (or just the female guests) that those are for girls to use when they have periods. Hopefully they will put the big towels on top of the sheets
FYI, I made sure to buy water proof covers for the matresses. That way they are protected no matter what someone throws at them.
You don't teach them and you shouldn't. You'd be crossing a line that shouldn't be crossed. It's a business and things like this will happen. No need to get annoyed or be mad. I buy the cheap sheets at walmart and if they get destroyed by a guest, I make them pay for it and it goes against their deposit. End of story. If this still bothers you, it's not worth you losing sleep. Maybe you shouldn't be a host. It's not for everyone.
FYI, most countries have this law and you may want to research this. In the USA it is against the law to descriminate against anyone on the basis of age among other things. You can be sued, be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars and possibly go to jail for violating this law. Not to mention you'd be an ass for discriminating against someone because of their age. Reading your comment about discrimination is no different than saying that a certain race or gender or people that are disabled ruin your sheets so you are considering not renting to them. It's wrong. Please don't be one of those people. We need to keep Airbnb open to everyone.
Okay, I am newish to this situation too. Sheet protector I got. Extra sheets and pillow cases sure...
But my guests decided on top of the comforter and the under blanket and the linens....More like greasy lotion stains...which I am on 3rd x washing....Replacing sheets not as costly as comforters and blankets. Taking a deposit I suppose would cover small losses.
However, so far I have not asked for a deposit as I thought it would discourage guests from renting.
But as I am also Pet Friendly, I guess I should look into a deposit to cover some of the excessive case sinarios. As I am trying not to be upset with their "reasons for being here" as much as their personal responsibility as a participant in this type of private home/room rental community.
I appreciate hearing everyone's thoughts.
I am new to the airbnb gig and I just returned to find the deposit on the sheets. I can't even imagine what people are thinking and I was shocked. They were not a young couple. Is there an expectation of not? If it weren't my own home I wouldn't care so much, considering getting out of this after only 4 guests! Anything?
Hi Vicky,
Don't despair, it happens, we all do "IT". BUT and it's a "BIG" but, how about people show some discretion??
I mean there's a tissue box on each bedside table for god's sake! Do whatever in your own place but be a little more considerate and i don't give a toss if someone says that's why they provide cheap sheets. Or tell me to "get over it ....or maybe being a host is not 'your thing'!!".
Yes, it happened to me also a few times, but not for a long time cos i think most decent people have discretion.
Don't give up yet! Write in a private message how you felt. That'll either make or break them on their next review and just think ..... you've done their next host a favour!!
Good luck and all the best!
I disagree that this is discrimination. Suing is taking out of context. When you enter someone's home, you follow their rules. Which can include no blood stains, sex, smoking, whatever. You dont like those rules? Find a motel. Ten dollars more. People choose to use AIRBNB not just because it is cheaper but because it is cleaner and safer as it is in someone's home. So guests really need to respect. That includes leaving the sheets like they were given to them, clean.
It is not only sheets that take a beating (pun intended). I have had to add to my House Rules No 'intimate experiences' in the hot tub. Finding floating matter on the surface of the hot tub (and there can be no mistaking what it is) a few hours before the next guest is due to arrive is not only icky, but tricky. My Cottage's 1st floor bedroom appears to be a love den, even for older guests. My fault for providing the hot tub, LED candles, and electric fireplace...I only have myself to blame. Mea Culpa.
I use cheap simple white cotton sheets. normally wash them with detergent and hygenizer - bleach if needed. since they're white, bleach won't hurt.
maybe from the booking you can infer whether they're going to be the dirty guests and use cheaper sheets and protectors for the mattress 🙂