Hello Everyone,I am looking to replace the mattress in my ai...
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Hello Everyone,I am looking to replace the mattress in my airbnb i have had both positive and a not so good review from one ...
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I'm not new at the AirBnB game. I know when there are 2 guests, sex may and, probably, will happen. I do not enjoy cleaning other people's love fluids. Occassionally you encounter some really young couple that clearly does not know how to have sex and he makes her bleed (I do have the urge to have the proper nailcare talk with them). I have had a situation that looked like a blood splater sceene from Dexter, and instead of cleaning them, they continued to sleep on them for a week... so there was not cleaning those sheets, to the garbage they went.
This past week I had a couple that chose to CLEAN the sheets... which basically was throwing blood stained sheets into to wash with a mass of powdered detergent (there was powder left over in the poor washing machine and bubbles coming out of the drain). I had to rewash them when I saw them drying with brown splatches. Then took the time to explain HOW to get blood and seimen out of sheets... Clearly, that did not get read or received. They washed the sheets again, this time dumping a whole lot of laundry detegent and a LITER of Chlorine Bleach for a set of sheets and 2 towels. Needless to say, my prestine white cotton sheets and towels are now blotchy yellow and brittle.
I know there has to be education of guests. But HOW do you teach them how to have sex without bloodying up the sheets and not to do laundry when they do not know how to? I'm not their mother, nor is it my business what they do behind closed doors. It is my business when I have to clean up a mess they leave (again, it's just an occasional couple here or there, often young, early 20's and from US).
Should I just not rent to young ones? I do not want to leave the house full of rules at every station explaining things that should be known by adults.
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Perhaps have something in you guest book or whatever information you leave for guests, to say that you realise that sometimes sheets, towels etc will get stained.
You can suggest if sheets/towels do get stained, this is how they should be washed and perhaps leave some stain remover for common stains such as blood?
Hopefully this will help minimise further mishaps?
Perhaps have something in you guest book or whatever information you leave for guests, to say that you realise that sometimes sheets, towels etc will get stained.
You can suggest if sheets/towels do get stained, this is how they should be washed and perhaps leave some stain remover for common stains such as blood?
Hopefully this will help minimise further mishaps?
Poor schooling, poor parenting, poor manners. Now get off my lawn!
AirBnB Treehouse for Rent
Andrea, no Marshells in Colombia. I'm not angry, I'm annoyed. Treating the place like a cheap motel!
I like to have quality linen, towels etc in my place and i should be able to have nice, quality 'whatevers'. Obviously people take notice of 'quality' and it shows in their reviews and hence adds to the reputation that i am trying to establish.
It also adds hopefully to guests realisation that they should respect the space or else they may get a not so nice review or at least be told in their private review.
I've taken to putting 2 sets of stain proof mattress protectors. That way if the one under the sheets does get soiled, i can wash it and have the other.
Seriously, at the end of the day, nobody wins!
Hi @Victoria92, Yikes! To discourage the guests from washing the sheets themselves you could have a spare set available to them and let them know that you will wash any stained bedding to ensure it is properly cleaned.
Here in San Francisco we have had issues with lubricants that leave greasy looking spots on the sheets. We have not been bold enough yet to provide non-staining water-based lubricant samples 🙂
Yeah, i've noticed that too. Oily marks on the sheets.
Never knew there was a lubricant that contained oil.
Always thought they were water based.
Learning something new everyday!!
Water doesn't work as well for **bleep** sex, which is the primary use of oil based lubricants
I wonder if it is possible to have lower quality sheets that you keep on hand if you are worried about a guest? Thinking about all of the places I have stayed, it is pretty rare that the quality of the sheets makes a difference in my stay. Comfy pillows, comfy bed, for sure that matters. But the feels-like-paper hospital type sheets and nubby poo brown blanket and polyester duvet I have encountered at many a motel 6 aren't deal breakers and don't usually prevent me from having a good night sleep. As long as you aren't advertising "luxurious egyptian cotton sheets" or something like that, I think it would be fair to differentiate?
I have similar question about make up. So, I've appreciated reading the responses. I'll humbly add that I once accidently spoiled an office chair. A custodial staff person I spoke with kindly suggested I purchase a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. I've foudn that it works as well to get body fluids out of cloth as it does to clean wounds. I typically have several bottles in supply and just purchased it in a new spray bottle. After reading the posts above, I'll consider leaving a bottle by the cleaning supplies with a light-hearted note like, "works wonders with body fluid stains--feel free to give it a try!" Otherwise, Kolh's finally got into the outlet business with one in Wisconsin and New Jersey (maybe there'll be more U.S.--sorry others--or an online site soon).
It's called Off/Aisle--I find the prices very competitive.
While unrelated, fyi I just began making wet and dry make-up remover pads available. My fingers are crossed for all of us dealing with this issue.
Thanks for this exchange!
Blood: Peroxide and Dawn (or any de-greaser dish soap)
Saliva and **bleep**: white vinegar, dub it.
Petroleum based makeup: De-greaser and baking soda or borax, vinegar and baking soda mix
Natural makeup: unfortunately you should check ingredients, but most plant things lemon will get out, if they are coals or mascara, you need a de-greaser, foundation is THE WORST it is often an oil mixed with a powder and a dye, I soak it in Hot water with borax and vinegar mix to separate then mix dawn and peroxide and scrub with a brush.
I have a big container of baby wipes with argon oil, and tell ladies it is for make up removal. I had towels stained by one girlfriend of a guest, they stained brown, and about 6 washes in went to a lime green color and eventually faded. But it was work!
Hi Victoria, sex fluids on the sheets and 'gobbing' in the basin or shower make my hairs stand up! The first time i came across dirty sheets (they were young and she was a different girlfriend from the booking), i was horrified thinking how rude of them and made me feel cheap! Then check out was at 10am and he rings me at 12pm and asks for extra towels to go to the beach! I told him they needed to leave, only to find she'd left dirty, yellow stained knickers that could've stood up by themselves. They must've been having sex, no laundering and bad case of thrush! I let him know though in his review (private) that it was lovely hosting them but not lovely pulling back the bed covers! Now i have a huge box of tissues on each bedside table and hope for the best. It does work ....sometimes!!!
They are not luxurious sheets. They are standard cotton. White (so you know they are clean). Clost one night's stay. It's really not about the sheets. It's about disrespect and damaging things that can easily be avoided with a little communication.
Then I do the welcome tour, I tell them to ask me for sheets and fresh towels when they need them and if there is an accident, that they should ask me and I will fix it and that we're all adults, and I just ask if it's a blood, protein, or, in case of makeup, if it is natural or petroleum based. Clearly some just don't listen.