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Hi everyone!
While booking for a stay, guests often look into the listing location — whether it's surrounded by scenic beauty (mountains or lakes), nearby local attractions or if your listing is located in the heart of the city.
I'm really curious to hear from our hosts — whether it's a stunning view, rich local culture, or hidden gems that only locals know about! What is special about your listing location?
Looking forward to reading your comments 😍
Kind regards,
Your listing sounds like a prime location for guests with access to exciting spots nearby @Darrell106 !
How do you usually guide your visitors to make the most of the area? Do you have any favorite local spots around Camp Bowie or Downtown that you recommend they check out?
@Bhumika Our locaton isn't stellar. We are located on a busy street, but the community is a charming beachtown. We have impact windows which mutes any sound from the street. The best part of our location is that we are close to everything. We are 2 1/2 miles from the beach, as well as, 1-2 miles from great restaurants, grocery stores, and the heart of the city .
Thanks for sharing @Del4806 ! Being close to the beach and having everything within a couple of miles is definitely a huge plus for guests 🎉
👉Do you usually recommend any particular local activities to your guests, for them to enjoy? 👈
@Bhumika My listing is 15 min walk to the city center, public library Walmart, west coast express to DT Vancouver, 12 min drive to Provincial park Golden Ears, 10 min walk to Allouette river offering an excellent tubing experince in the summer. Amazing roof top deck with view of Golden Ears Peak. 15 min bike ride to a network of dikes in the farm land of blue berries and cranberries. 10 min away from 5 different golf clubs
Hi @Daniela2407 , there are so many exciting outdoor activities near your listing!
Do you offer a guidebook of these nearby activities to your guests ?
Olá @Bhumika Comunidade Airbnb
O que torna meu anúncio interessante é a localização.
Situado no centro da maior cidade da América do Sul, São Paulo, cercado de ótimos bares cafés e restaurantes , próximo ao Metrô e com uma vida cultural intensa e animada.
O condomínio possui piscina no rooftop, o que é um excelente atrativo.
Hello Airbnb Community
What makes my ad interesting is the location.
Located in the center of the largest city in South America, São Paulo, surrounded by great bars, cafes and restaurants, close to the subway and with an intense and lively cultural life.
The condominium has a rooftop pool, which is an excellent attraction.
[Google translation added by OCM]
Hi @Maysa19 , your location in the heart of São Paulo sounds fantastic. It must be a great experience for guests being so close to lively bars, cafes, and the subway.
Do you have any favorite local spots or must-see attractions nearby that you usually recommend guests?
Olá @Maysa19, sua localização no coração de São Paulo parece fantástica. Deve ser uma ótima experiência para os hóspedes, pois fica tão perto de bares animados, cafés e do metrô.
Você tem algum lugar local favorito ou atrações imperdíveis nas proximidades que você costuma recomendar aos hóspedes?
Olá Bhumika
Eu tenho um guia no anúncio: São Paulo para todo mundo.
No guia estão várias dicas de passeios, restaurantes , cafés e bares no entorno do Studio.
Um dos meus locais preferidos é o Edifício Copan, projetado por Oscar Niemeyer, o maior arquiteto brasileiro. É um edifício icônico de São Paulo, com vários restaurantes e o Bar da Dona Onça, que serve ótima comida brasileira.
@Bhumika Desde hace algunos años la Ciudad de México se ha puesto muy de moda entre los visitantes que provienen de otros países y hay varias razones para ello.
Por un lado el valor de peso frente al dolar o frente al euro es más bajo, por lo que a los turistas les rinde más su dinero si lo gastan aquí, pero eso sólo es un dato.
Lo verdaderamente increíble, tanto para visitantes de mi país, como del extranjero y para quienes habitamos aquí es que mi ciudad es grande en cuanto a oferta cultural, ambiental, artística y gastronómica (dese comida tradicional hasta especialidades para personas vegetarianas y veganas).
¡En CDMX encuentras un lago para remar en medio del bosque de Chapultepec y luego subir al Castillo que habitaron Maximiliano de Habsburgo y Carlota en los años 1800!, así como importantes museos, edificios de impresionante arquitectura y belleza, teatros, galerías, mercados tradicionales, centros de espectáculos, bares, restaurante ¡y mucho más!.
El barrio de San Ángel es bellísimo e ideal para visitar los sábados. También está Xochimilco, al sur de la ciudad, un hermoso lugar con canales acuáticos por los que puedes pasear abordo de canoas, mientras escuchas música tradicional mexicana y degustas de nuestros platillos típicos.
Nuestro Centro Histórico ofrece también un sitio arqueológico, justo junto a la principal Catedral de mi país.
La colonia Roma Norte junto a Roma Sur, Condesa, Hipódromo Condesa, Juárez y Cuauhtémoc, se han hecho muy famosas y visitadas. Mi departamento está en Roma Norte
La mayoría de los habitantes nos distinguimos por amabilidad y empatía.
Y hay muchísimo más para conocer disfrutar, pero ¡mejor te invito a visitarnos y que vivas la experiencia!
For some years now, Mexico City has become very popular among visitors from other countries, and there are several reasons for this.
On the one hand, the value of the peso against the dollar or the euro is lower, so tourists get more out of their money if they spend it here, but that is just a fact.
The truly incredible thing, both for visitors from my country and from abroad and for those of us who live here, is that my city is great in terms of cultural, environmental, artistic and gastronomic offerings (from traditional food to specialties for vegetarians and vegans).
In CDMX you will find a lake to row in the middle of Chapultepec Forest and then climb up to the Castle where Maximilian of Habsburg and Carlota lived in the 1800s!, as well as important museums, buildings of impressive architecture and beauty, theaters, galleries, traditional markets, entertainment centers, bars, restaurants and much more!
The San Angel neighborhood is beautiful and ideal for visiting on Saturdays. There is also Xochimilco, south of the city, a beautiful place with water channels where you can ride on canoes, while listening to traditional Mexican music and tasting our typical dishes.
Our Historic Center also offers an archaeological site, right next to the main Cathedral of my country.
The Roma Norte neighborhood, along with Roma Sur, Condesa, Hipódromo Condesa, Juárez and Cuauhtémoc, have become very famous and visited. My apartment is in Roma Norte
Most of us are distinguished by our kindness and empathy.
And there is much more to discover and enjoy, but I invite you to visit us and live the experience!
[Google translation added by OCM]
Hi @Mireya-Elisa0 , thank you so much for sharing about the vibrant culture of Mexico 😍Sounds like your listing is perfectly situated to offer guests a genuine taste of popular neighborhoods and local attractions.
Do you often recommend popular sight seeing places to your guests?
Hola @Mireya-Elisa0, muchas gracias por compartir sobre la vibrante cultura de México 😍Parece que tu alojamiento está perfectamente ubicado para ofrecer a los huéspedes una muestra genuina de los barrios populares y las atracciones locales.
¿Sueles recomendar lugares turísticos populares a tus huéspedes?
@Bhumika Wie bei der Partnerwahl ist der Gesamteindruck das all entscheidende Kriterium. Bei meinem Inserat versuche ich noch den besonderen Flair der Wohnung zu vermitteln. Warum man sich genau in meiner Wohnung wohlfühlen kann. Das versuche ich im Inserat rüber zu bringen, zu vermitteln. Viele Grüße Markus
As with choosing a partner, the overall impression is the most important criterion. In my advert I try to convey the special flair of the apartment. Why exactly one can feel comfortable in my apartment. That is what I try to convey in the advert. Best regards, Markus
[Google translation added by OCM]
Hi @Markus669 , highlighting why guests would feel comfortable at home is a great strategy? What have you added to your listing description?
Do you offer any special amenities in your listing?
Hallo @Markus669, hervorzuheben, warum sich Gäste zu Hause wohlfühlen würden, ist eine großartige Strategie? Was haben Sie Ihrer Inseratsbeschreibung hinzugefügt? Bieten Sie in Ihrem Inserat besondere Annehmlichkeiten an?
Ich entschuldige mich im Voraus, wenn mein Deutsch falsch erscheint. Ich verwende Google Translate.
Überschrift: "Entspannen auf 35 qm Terasse"
Das soll das Gefühl für die Wohnung vermitteln.
Grüße Markus
Our listing is a perfect location because we are in the middle of some of the most beautiful cities in the world like Venice, Padova and Verona!
Hi @Marianne817 , welcome to the community! 🌻
Your location sounds incredible with an easy access to such beautiful cities!
Do you often recommend any hidden gems or local attractions of Santa Maria di Sala to your guests?