What to do when guest take towels?

Level 3
Lancaster, CA

What to do when guest take towels?

Hello, everyone, I'm Sheila! I resently started hosting on a serious level. I was just wondering, what do you do when all your towels start walking away? Do you mention it to guest or just chalk up towels as a lost and buy more? I'm sure they're not file a claim worthy. 🙄 

1 Best Answer
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Sheila803 Its not worth the hassle of a claim but you should leave an honest review. We have never had it happen so lets hope its a one off for you as well.

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45 Replies 45
Level 2
Cañon City, CO

I have yet to have any walk off, but I’ve had plenty ruined. I consider it a cost of doing business and I regularly order linens. It’s a write off and I want my guests to feel clean. 

Buy big supply …


Unless all  towels are missing we go with grace


chalk it up to accidental packing

or guest accident and didn’t want to leave major dirty towel for such a nice host to find

Even when damaged, we go with grace, unless something else is damaged..

Hello Sheila, 

welcome to the journey! First of all, of all the STR platforms, Airbnb is the best protecting hosts investments. You’d have to tell your staff to keep an eye on things for you. Make sure you have inventory of your towels, and if you find that guests are absconding with your things, files for reimbursement from Airbnb, they’re good with paying. This is why we have Aircover.

Level 2
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Hello Sheila! Fortunately, I have not yet encountered such a situation, but I think that if it did happen, I would ask guests to pay the cost of towels through Airnbnb. In addition, I pay attention to guest reviews before confirming a booking.

Level 7
Kathmandu, Nepal

Hi Sheila, 

Normally guests never take towels in our air bnb but sometimes if they take them mistakenly knowing it.


Communicate with your guest is always better and I highly recommend you to check before departure too.


In our bnb guests are very helpful as always.


Best regards






Level 1
Harare, Zimbabwe

We have not had that experience.  However, armed with that I think it is safe to do a check audit.  If not practical, then I would politely alert them of the missing towel @ the risk of not having a repeat business.

I had a guest who messed up one bed sheet, he that happened - I don't know.  The guest informed us after replacing the sheet.

Level 2
Beech Mountain, NC

my problem is that by the time I notice, I'm not sure which guests they were!  in my case its face clothes that disappear?  I am now getting better at checking after each guest leaves and if I notice things are missing I will send a note asking if by mistake they packed them and if so would they please return to me. if I get no response I will send a bill.  Actually added up what it has cost me over the last 8 years and its huge. good luck.


Level 2
Hialeah, FL

Hi Sheila. It is not worth a claim over a missing towel. However, If during a single booking all the towels walked away together with the guests, then a claim it is worth it. What I will recommend is to charge for your listing enough to cover those minor losses. 


Carlos Z

Level 3
Nevada City, CA

I've always brought it to the guest's attention when things go missing or are damaged (excepting small things, like a wine glass).  Then I send them a request for whatever the replacement costs.  I've never had someone refuse to pay, but I suppose if they did, I'd decide at that point if it was worth filing a claim.  

Level 2
Rexton, Canada

I have all white linen, white towels etc. I leave a note in the bathroom asking not to use makeup on the towels and leave makeup remover cloths. Just mentioning if they are stained, ruined or taken that there would be an extra cost. This way they know up front that it is frowned upon and would be noticed. It is just a deterrent and hopefully people respect it. I am new to Airbnb as well but I have not had any of those issues as of yet.

I have had many towels taken ; cups, pillowcases, spoons, knifes, c sheets, bath rugs taken, and wine glasses. I stopped buying the nicer items, and just let them go 

Level 10
Toronto, Canada

Missing slippers yes, but missing towels I don't think so.


Either way, not a big deal. Just chalk it up to the cost of doing business. 


It's possible they think the towels and/or slippers are disposable so they took it along to not waste them. 

I have had towels missing before and  especially the  expensive fluffy kind so now I just buy the cheaper ones because it's bound to happen. 

Level 2
Slidell, LA

Hi! My name is Cynthia.  I just put it in the rules.  It would say: to my guest.  It is an honor to host you and your family.  Please be awear. Inventory is taken before and after a guest leaves. All items excluding bedding and towels are counted. If any or missing there will be an additional charge. These items must remain on the property for the next guest.  Thank you! Your host ,,,,,,,,,

Thank you so much @Cynthia1156. That is a great way to put it. I need to update my rules right now with this exact wording.