Hello Everyone,I am looking to replace the mattress in my ai...
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Hello Everyone,I am looking to replace the mattress in my airbnb i have had both positive and a not so good review from one ...
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Hello hosts! We have a question for you: Where do you place your towels? 🤔
I'm curious about your tips and ideas. Your approach can provide some inspiration and guidance to fellow hosts who are looking to enhance their guest experience 🏠
There are multiple areas to leave the towels. Do you have a dedicated cabinet for them? or do you simply place them in the bathroom or bedroom for convenience? Are the towels hanging, folded or perhaps you make them into towel origami for a personal touch 🙌🏽
Where do you place your towels in your listing?
Comment below and feel free to share any photos 📸
How great idea!! You have so wonderful skill!
Love this! It gives the cruise ship feel! 😄
Ciao, io ho un B&B e fornisco asciugamani che lavo in casa. Per la morbidezza, oltre l'aceto durante il lavaggio, uso l'asciugatrice che li rende molto morbidi e soffici, come nuvole... Provate!!!
Hi, I have a B&B and I provide towels that I wash at home. For softness, in addition to the vinegar during washing, I use the dryer which makes them very soft and fluffy, like clouds... Try it!!!
[Translation added by OCM]
I'm always to curious when I learn about the use of vinegar 👀 do you add it directly to your washing drum? @Sonia1798
Metto l'aceto al posto del l'ammorbidente, piu naturale e aiuta durante la stiratura. Metto tre asciugamani per ospite uno grande uno medio e uno piccolo piegati sul fondo del letto con un piccolo kit di shampoo e bagnoschiuma. Anche se da adesso voglio passare ad eliminare il mono uso e passerò ai dispenser direttamente in doccia...
Translation provided by community manager: I use vinegar instead of fabric softener, it's more natural and helps during ironing. I put three towels per guest, one large, one medium and one small folded on the bottom of the bed with a small kit of shampoo and shower gel. Although from now on I want to move on to eliminating single use and will switch to dispensers directly in the shower...
Thank you for sharing @Sonia1798 😊 how much vinegar do you use?
That's really lovely of you to leave a small kit of shampoo and shower gel for your guests. The Airbnbs I've visited as a guest did not provide such items 😅
Geralmente deixo em cima da cama enrolada
I usually leave it on the bed rolled up.
[Translation added by OCM]
E eu, dobrada..
And I, folded...
[Translation added by OCM]
Ja stavljam na krevet 1 veliki + 1 mali po osobi.
U hodniku u plakaru držim rezervne peškire, gosti ih uvek uzimaju i iz plakara . Razmišljam da li treba rezervne peškire da zaključam u plakar.
I put 1 large + 1 small per person on the bed.
I keep spare towels in the closet in the hallway, guests always take them from the closet. I'm wondering if I should lock the spare towels in the closet.
[Translation added by OCM]
Hi! @Sophia we use to roll them and put them on the bed nicely and also we put more of them in the drawers 🙂
Bonjour à tous on les plie en et il sur le lit , pour les serviettes de bains pour ce qui est pour celle des pieds et mains ceux là sont dans les toilettes 😀
Hello everyone, we fold them in and on the bed, for the bath towels for those of the feet and hands these are in the toilet 😀
[Translation added by OCM]