Your rating for my accommodation place

Level 3
Cairo, Egypt

Your rating for my accommodation place

Hello, I am a new host and I would like you to evaluate my place of residence and give me your advice when receiving my first guest through the site. Thank you. 




[Content updated by Community Manager]

28 Replies 28


Thank you for your feedback! I agree that professional photos would enhance my listing.


Hello @Eman1482 , I love your space, but I see the space and think that you have too many sofas in one place, i think you should keep the light brown ones and get rid of the ones in the back to open up the space more. 


I would get rid of the rugs (all of them)


Remove all the small artwork and replace it with maybe big paintings or big mirrors to make the space look bigger. 


when taking pictures, opt for more natural open windows versus indoor artificial light.  Hope it helps 🙂


Thank you for your kind words and suggestions! I love the way you've described my space.

I understand your recommendation about the sofas and rugs. As this is my first year renting, I'm still learning how to optimize the space. I'll keep those suggestions in mind for future updates.

Unfortunately, I can't make any changes to the furniture or artwork while the apartment is currently rented. However, I'll definitely plan to implement these changes as soon as the lease ends.

Regarding the photos, I'll make sure to take them with natural light and avoid using artificial lighting.

Thank you again for your feedback. I'm excited to make improvements to my listing and create an even more welcoming space for my guests.

Level 2
Victoria, Canada

@Eman1482 Good wishes from British Columbia Canada. I’m working now and can reply later on this evening my time beautiful home! 

Dm and Maneesh


Thank you for your kind words and support, Dm and Maneesh! I appreciate you taking the time to offer your feedback. I'll look forward to your thoughts later this evening.

Level 2
Mission Viejo, CA

Hi there, the #1 thing I would do is get professional photos for your property. The property shows well, but the photos aren't great. 



You're absolutely right about the photos.

Thank you, Elissa, for your feedback

Level 2
Ioannina, Greece

Hi @Eman1482


For sure you have a beautiful place.

Perhaps the fotos could be better,from a proffesional, and the beds must be more arranged in these.

Perhaps the house is a bit crowded with furnicher (for example I don't understand the 2 sofas in the living room).

I think you'll do fine!!!

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

 Hello @George1914, just so you know, I've added a tag with Eman's name to your comment. To tag someone, tap "@" and select the host's username from the dropdown menu. This way, they will receive a notification. 


Hope this helps!





Please follow the Community Guidelines // Volg de communityrichtlijnen


Thank you for your time and feedback. I'll make the necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay for my guests.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Hi Eman.

Get professional photograhs done,  open the curtains and do the photographs in daylight and much brighter,  dont show the toilet with lid open and pref. not at all.  I also think take away the rugs and personally i like white cotton sheets, they look fresh and clean and inviting!

Good luck with it all


Hi Elizabeth,

Thanks for your valuable feedback! I'll definitely take your suggestions into consideration.

Regarding the rugs, I'll see if removing them would make the space feel more open. And I'll look into using white cotton sheets to create a fresh and inviting atmosphere.


Thank you again for your help!

I suggest some staging. Roll some big fluffy towels for bathroom, provide shampoo, cream rinse and body wash. Put a bright teapot on the stove and a few tea towels, probably the bright yellow. I also provide a coffee machine and coffee. I set my photos up as if someone was preparing tea, etc. so the guest can imagine they are there enjoying your beautiful place. You can also put fresh flowers in a vase.

Also, between guests be sure it is spotless. People shed a shocking amount of hair. It sticks everywhere. I vacuum first everything, then clean, then vacuum. A random hair is just off putting for me.