Hello Everyone,I am looking to replace the mattress in my ai...
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Hello Everyone,I am looking to replace the mattress in my airbnb i have had both positive and a not so good review from one ...
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Ander amenities if you scroll all the way down to services, it has "cleaning before check out". What does that mean? The guest has to clean? I start cleaning before they check out (a host pulled that one on me once)? That I clean during there stay?
@Inna22 Greetings Inna. Last year I had an elderly couple from Naples staying here and they demanded room service for their 5 day stay, just like in a good hotel. The problem was that they were paying the bare minimum price for their room. We always give clean towels on demand and will always give a change of sheets but we draw the line at being treated like room boys.
Best season's greetings to you, Inna
@Inna22 This is certainly a good question. When I clicked on the amenity, there was no drop down to add a description of what that might mean. Just as @Anthony223 said, some guests seem to expect hotel room service, which I do not offer. I do offer mid-stay cleaning for longer stays, but that is discussed prior to accepting their rental.
@Inna22 The "cleaning before checkout" option has been around since I started hosting. I have always taken it as the guest is expected to clean before they leave. But that really doesn't make sense if it is listed in the "amenity" section. Airbnb should delete that one.
@Emilia42 it should be an “anti-amenity” if we expect them to clean 🙂 should be somewhere under things to know, like potential for noise or something like that. It would be a very unpleasant surprise for me if I arrived to a listing and found out I was expected to do the full cleaning before I leave.
Why would someone assume that this means "that the guest cleans before they leave" , when there is a cleaning fee to be paid apon booking (and sometimes quite a high cleaning fee). I do the dishes and sweep the floor etc but I am not going over everything with a toothbrush while there is a cleaning fee in place ?
@Inna22 , I've wondered that myself before, thanks for asking, hopefully someone will know! stay well, JR
There is no such an option in my list.
Amenities are:
Outdoor space,
Special amenities,
Family amenities,
Home safety and
Location amenities.
There is no "Services"/
It's listed under "Logistics" on my amenities list. I had never noticed it until now. How very typical for Airbnb to add something like this but not explain it. Keeping hosts in the dark is something they are very good at.
Report: Ghost found! Near the "Logistics"area.
@Colleen253 @Inna22 @Dimitar27 @Melodie-And-John0 @Emilia42
I've always assumed it means the host provides an option for mid-stay cleaning. But that's just my guess. We have it checked and nobody has ever asked about it.
@Lisa723 That was definitely one of my thoughts but in that case it should say cleaning during stay, not cleaning before checkout
I had also interpreted it that way, just until recently, when I noticed that it means "cleaning by guest before check out", converting my dashbord to turkish. I first thought it is a mistranslation, but then found this topic. I wonder how it is translated to other languages.