Host Stories Contest 2016! *Now Closed*

Level 3
San Francisco, CA

Host Stories Contest 2016! *Now Closed*

[Updated] Launched back in November at Airbnb Open 2016, the Host Stories Contest is now closed. Thank you for all your amazing submissions, we look forward to announcing the winners soon!



To view the Contest overview see below: 



Share your story starting November 17, 2016. The contest deadline for submissions will be December 16th, 2016.


Submit stories or read stories. Learn more about the contest rules attached. Stories must have a minimum of 200 words and must contain a title.

*Updated: If possible, please include two photos with your entry (this is not a requirement for submission).



One 1st prize of $12,000 USD


One 2nd prize of $8,000 USD


One 3rd prize of $5,000 USD



Winners will be selected based on the originality and creativity of the story submitted as well as the spirit of the submission in the way it relates to hospitality, social impact and experiences on Airbnb?


NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN.  Open only to attendees, 18 or older, registered as a host user of Airbnb at the time of participation.  Skill contest.  Judges’ decisions determine winners.  Entry deadline 11:59:59 p.m. San Francisco time on 12/16/2016.  Submitted stories may be used by Airbnb for promotional purposes.  Additional terms apply.   See Official Rules below.



Q: How many times can I submit a story?

A:  Please only submit one story.


Q: Can I edit my story submission?

A: You may not edit your story after submission.


Q: Is there a limit to the number of photos I can upload or video link submissions?

A: Not at this time. We look forward to what you have to share!


Still have questions? Feel free to post your questions in this thread and we will try to get them answered as soon as we can!


For full rules, see contest rules attached below.


Good luck!

172 Replies 172

Thanks Lizzie - wishing you and your amazing team at Airbnb a fabulous holiday season. We are packing up the house in preparation for all our Christmas guests coming to stay and heading up the coast with our boat and tent for some summer camping fun - yay!!!

Merry Christmas from New Zealand 🙂

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Thanks so much @Kirsty-And-Aaron0 this is so nice of you. What a lovely little adventure you have planned. Have a fantastic time. 🙂



Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

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Level 2
Indio, CA

I just posted my story with one photo. I also got a message that it did not send. Can you check on whether or not my story sent?

Did my story send?


"A new Life for Bugs"

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Mary95,


Thanks for checking on this. I am afraid I can't see your story entry, therefore it doesn't appear to have gone though. 


Would you mind trying again? I understand this must be a little frustrating. If you can, after arriving in the submission page, please can you double check you are logged in properly to the Community Center. You can do this in the top right-hand corner of your Community Center page. 


I hope this helps and if you are still having issues please let me know. 






Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Level 2
Santa Fe, NM

How do I upload photos to the page where I'm entering a Host Story for the 2016 contest? I don't see an attachment link to insert an image/photo. 



Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Lissa2,


Great to hear you are adding photo(s) to you story. 


When in the submission page (post), on your tool bar above the text box, you should see a little camera icon, like this:

Screen Shot 2016-12-12 at 18.06.47.png

Click on this icon and you will then be able to upload your image. If you don't see this, just double-check you are logged in properly to the Community Center. 


I hope this helps. 🙂




Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

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Thank you.

Level 2
Chicago, IL

I told my story for radio on the OPEN at the BKNR building but not sure if this is the same thing. I would like to submit my story with pictures.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Gail0,


This is fantastic to hear that you shared your story on Open radio! How exciting. 🙂 Yes, that is no problem to still enter the contest here and as you say you can include photos. Just click on the link at the start of this thread to submit your story (plus to read all of the T&Cs etc). Just a tip, please make sure you are logged in properly when you are in the form, when you enter into that area to post, it does appear some members are having trouble here. You can log in to the Community Center on the top right-hand corner of the CC page. 

On the tool bar in the submission area, you should see a little camera icon and this will enable you to upload an image or even two! 🙂


I hope this helps and I really look forward to seeing it. 






Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

The link to submit a story isn't working - the form loads, but it won't let me select a topic and there's nowhere to upload photos or anything. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Katie-and-Kris0,


Sorry to hear you are having difficulties. As I mentioned earlier, it could be that it is a log in issue as this is what it appears like if you are not logged in. Would you mind trying it again and perhaps log out and then back in again to that form and hopefully it will work. Otherwise, you could post it in this thread and I will move it (but hopefully the above will work for you). 🙂


Let me know how you get on.





Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Level 2
New Delhi, India



For a larger part of my life I couldn't figure out my real Passion in life. I did odd jobs but was not happy with any of them and I would call myself  "Jack of all trade master of None". Until recently when my sister who lives in bangkok, introduced me to this wonderful Airbnb community. If it was not her, this would have never happened. She showed me the path and I Dared to Dream.


I am a 3 month old host only but it seems as if I have been doing this since ages, it has been an amazing journey since then. I have become independent, very confident, and quiet vocal. One learns mostly good things from the guests who arrive from different backgrounds.


The first two months were filled with anxiety and fear to the extent that I would literally wake up in the middle of the night to check if any inquiry or booking has come or not, what if I do not reply within the stipulated time, etc. etc. I would also get upset when guests didn't bother to reply after an enquiry. But I am a much calmer person now. I have understood now that bookings are not in my hand, but what is in my hand is to look after those who arrive, give them my best, make them happy, make their stay as comfortable as possible, give them good memories so they are tempted to come back again.   


Although, I live quiet far from the apartment I give on rent, but I make sure to be able to welcome my guests most of the time, if they are arriving at reasonable hours. I still remember that my first guests- Fred and family, arrived as early as 6.00 am on 26th September 2016, and I was at the apartment at 5.45am and welcomed them with open arms, they were so happy that they extended the stay for few more days with me. On their last day I cooked very tasty butter chicken for them and our families wined and dined together.

No words can describe the satisfaction level I reached that day. 


My over all view about this service is that it is an excellent platform for those who love to communicate, love travellers and have enough patience to host. 


Thank you Airbnb for helping me explore myself. I feel complete now and have found a passion in life.


Level 2
New Delhi, India

Hi Lizzie,


I posted my story here as I couldnt post it on the valid forum and I do not see any camera to add pics also it says correct the highlighted errors then post, but there are no highlighted errors. Also I logged out and looged in again. Please help how do I post my story and pics?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Achla0,


Thanks for letting me know. I have just checked and I see you have managed to submit your story in the end along with your photos, which is great to see. 🙂


Best of luck with you story. 





Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.