pressure airbnb to remove listings from occupied Palestine

Level 4
Mitaka, Japan

pressure airbnb to remove listings from occupied Palestine

i urge all hosts and guests to contact air bnb about their continued involvement in occupied Palestine.


Airbnb was one of more than 100 companies around the world listed in a UN database of firms whose business operations linked them to Israeli settlements in the OPT. These settlements are illegal under international law.


These settlements are a war crime under international law. Airbnb needs to do right by future investors and stop benefiting from illegal settlements built on stolen Palestinian land in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

- Saleh Higazi 


with pressure we can get airbnb to do the right thing and end it's business relationship with Israeli settlements

23 Replies 23

Do you still believe in what you wrote, after all the present events**?

**[Inappropriate content removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines]

It's not a matter of belief. What I wrote is fact. 

Level 1
The Hague, Netherlands

This is not true. If you are going against international law than its simply illegal. It’s that simple. No illegal listings should be facilitated. 

Level 2
Boston, MA

We have also stopped using Airbnb for this exact reason. Why do they need to have listings on illegal settlements? that’s like allowing illegal listings on Native Americans reservations. It needs to end .

Level 2
Haverfordwest, United Kingdom

Hi Ruby - you should I contact in airbnb regarding the rental of properties on illegal settlements? I never use the community website/forum - I don't understand what the different Level indicators that appear under peoples names signify - be most grateful if you could enlighten me. 

Many thanks


Level 2
Haverfordwest, United Kingdom

sorry Ruby - I meant WHO should I contact

I think the best way is to reach out on social media. Write their DMs or find Brian Chesky (the owner) to complain about it. Best of luck. 

I agree can we do something regarding host in illegal settlements? beaceuse I'm really thinking about closing my account on airbnb!



Me too.