We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the update...
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We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the updated Superhost criteria, so we wanted to explain why we made this up...
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We believe that the biggest travel rebound in a century is coming, and we want to help you get ready for it! We’ve introduced more than 100 changes to the app, website, and Community Support to help you take advantage of this unique opportunity—and manage your day-to-day tasks more easily.
Here are some of the most important changes:
You can read more details about what’s new here.
Have you already noticed changes in your tools? Which improvements are you most looking forward to?
Posted on Monday 24th May 2021
Is it possible to get a button added so that guests can pay for their pets upfront? It's a bit of a hassle to have to request money after they've booked.
It is always exciting to hear about 'improvements'. As an Airbnb share-holder and a host of more than twelve years, I am vested in my business and therefore Airbnb's business. Having said that, I am really disheartened by hard realities; Airbnb does not really seem to be much vested in hosts, from my vantage point.
I am not clear where these 'improvements' are being vetted. They seem incredibly tone-deaf to the hosting reality. In about two months, five guest stays, have led three resolution claims, one required police intervention. Of the three claims, one hundred percent of them had Host Required Deposits. And of the one hundred percent, Airbnb has funneled by resolution requests to overseas call centers, that do not seem able to even, remedially, read and understand the Airbnb TOS and/or Host House Rules and/or mitigate the Host Required Desposits.
Airbnb bullies hosts throughout the entirety of the 'Resolution Process'. To be frank, from what I am reading in Airbnb Community threads and posts, no-one really cares about a 'one day button'. What I am hearing, is the insane amount of disrespect shoveled onto hosts as their investments are vandalized, destroyed and worse.
Hosts are having their homes and personal belongings, often, destroyed. Hosts are then shipped to overseas call centers to be senselessly haggled and blatantly gaslit and bullied. The Airbnb 'resolution team' should be populated with professionals educated in contractual law and/or claims practices. Not self-appointed attorneys with less than no professionalism and education. This is the area, in my opinion, Airbnb needs the most work.
Hi @James441,
Thanks for the feedback and I'm sorry to hear about those past experiences. Can you please let me know if those issues have been resolved?
Also, we hear you. Airbnb is working on improving the Support experience. Hopefully it will soon be easier to get the help you need. You can read more about it here.
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@Liv A year ago @Catherine-Powell posted here that Airbnb was improving support and that it would all be running well by November. November 2020.
We are continually being told "we hear you", yet nothing changes. You can't expect hosts to keep believing empty promises that never come to fruition, anymore than we believe in the Easter bunny.
It's gotten to the point where it's actually offensive to be given these assurances that never turn into action, as if hosts are considered to be gullible fools.
Since the end of November 2020, I have been using and fine-tuning timed messages, and this second quarter is off to a new beginning! I have the house rules and what guests need to know about our listings broken into short messages, and it helps because most do not read the listing details. A lot of guests start communicating better, too, thinking this notes a "live." Another reason I like this new tool is it has saved me a lot of time by predicting the most common questions and needs of the guests.
Brilliant Dianna. Thanks for this encouragement!!
Great job, Brian and crew! This is a fantastic video, and I actually showed it to my own business team, to help them see what a story can do to warm your heart. I love the flexible destinations idea the most! EXCITING!
Appreciate new options. Wish all of us successful start of traveling 🙂
As a host I would like to see...
1. Better reporting features, it is tedious and time consuming to have to total everything yourself especially since everything is already there just needs the functionality on Airbnb end. Also weekly reports, better year end reports, cleaning reports.
2. Add a way to pay cleaners directly. Not just percentage payments.
3. A way to override the block before and after dates just for a specific day or selected dates, so you don't have to turn it off entirely to allow a booking and risk a booking sneaking in while you're trying to accommodate a specific guest.
4. Better support for hosts, everywhere I read hosts complain how awful, disrespectful and the lack of help Airbnb support provides to host.
5. I'm sure I'll think of more...
Yes please! End of month financial reports are super time consuming at the moment. It would make so much difference to be able to run a report which details Guest name, country of origin, amount of nights stayed, date range, rental price per night & per stay, airbnb fee and cleaning fee. This would be an absolute game changer 🙂
Hi @Susan1715,
Thanks for sharing your feedback.
Feel free to keep the suggestions coming 😊
As for number 4, have you read the latest Host update? Our Global Head of Hosting has announced the improvements to Support she's been working on.
I hope this helps.
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so far so good
I love the idea for adding theme travel feature , we do have camping and cabin house with fantastic view at the north of Thailand . Will love to add as new listing place. Looking forward to host airbnb guest with new experience.
Please, please, please add the ability for hosts to easily add extra charges, ie: pet fee, sauna usage, etc.! Having to go through the Resolution Center is a pain for hosts and guests alike and this would be SUCH AN EASY thing to do!
@Jennifer2682 You don’t need to go through the resolution center to add additional or special services. You just go to the “payout page” where all the fees are listed for the host and guest. Scroll down to where it notes: “ Send or Request Money.” You simply note what the extra charge is and make the request to the guest. It’s easy. Hope that helps! I use it for quests who want to have a champagne breakfast!
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