5 years of the Community Center: a thank you to you all

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

5 years of the Community Center: a thank you to you all

CC 5th Birthday.png

Hello everyone, 


We are so pleased to wish you all a very happy 5 years of the Community Center! 


I remember very clearly our launch of the Community Center at the Airbnb Open in 2015 and getting very excited about the first two posts we received from you. I wonder if anyone else here remembers what it looked like back then?


Over the past 5 years we've had many highs and have formed our own community traditions, which I'm sure we will only add to. Some of the things that come to mind are the Month of Celebration, the member spotlights and we also had our first festival (and a pretty cool community video too). We have over 50 How to guides (some of these might need a little update now) and have been transported to far away places with local travel discoveries and stories. One of the newest and one that probably only resonates with a few of you, are our online social meetups which has been an absolute joy to be part of. It would be lovely to see more of you there in the future. 


This year has probably been one of the hardest yet and I know many of you have had a very difficult time. As Community Managers and as humans we are lucky to get glimpses into your lives and it is very hard for us to see you struggling. We always want to make sure you feel supported even at the hardest times and I know many of you have really tried to support each other. Even the smallest amount of brightness even from a person on the other side of the world can make such a huge difference. 🙂 


One thing I hear so often, and know from my own experience, is that our Community is made up of many wonderful people and you are the ones who make the community what it is. The support you offer each other, the experiences and tips you share and the feedback you provide all make a difference.


I do like to talk and could go on for several more pages, but I will keep it ummm...short (well kind of) and finish by saying on behalf of all the community team a  huge THANK YOU for being part of our community journey so far and the character you all bring. Here's to the future, to as much laughter and joy in the CC as we can get out of it and to making a difference. 


We look forward to the next 5 years and how we can continue to shape the CC together.  


Please do shared any of your favourite memories from the past 5 years. 


Thank you again, 


Lizzie, @Katie , @Quincy , @Nick , @Liv  (and of course @Stephanie


A massive thanks to Katie for her creative skills on the image here 🙂 


Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

47 Replies 47
Level 10
Orono, ME

Someday I probably won't visit this forum as much as I do now and so I've saved this picture for memories

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Your suggestion makes me think we could do a time capsule thing @Emilia42


not sure how yet (I’m on my first coffee of the day and it's still pretty early) but maybe something to think about @Lizzie 

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I was under the impression a new game was launched.... ;>)

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

Thank you @Lizzie@Katie , @Quincy , @Nick , @Liv  (and of course @Stephanie)  this community wouldn't be the same without you 🙂

Happy 5-th birthday to everyone! .... so... who is baking the cake? 🙂



Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Aww right back at you @Branka-and-Silvia0 🙂 


I normally bake a cake and I didn't even think about this it time, I'll see what I can do at the weekend. hehe Last time I made one for the CC was marking our 1 Million posts. 


As we have just reached our 1 Millionth member, whoop whoop I will bring it out again....(as you can tell I'm very artistic!!!)


Cake 2.jpg


Love the jazzy happy birthday...it's a great excuse to stare at a chocolate cake for 3 minutes! hehe 


Thanks so much Branka. 




Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

I have been lucky enough to have tasted @Lizzie ‘s cakes a couple of times and believe me she makes one of the best strawberries sponge I have EVER eaten in my life. This image makes me dream with open eyes! 🍰



Hey, hai un dubbio o una domanda?

Pubblicala cliccando >>QUI<< troveremo la risposta insieme.

Dai un’occhiata alla nostra netiquette, le

Linee guida della community

Maybe Lizzie should think about joining the Great British baking show 🎂 

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Thank you, @Lizzie @Katie  @Nick  @Quincy @Liv   @Stephanie  and all the contributors I read daily. Well, most days, anyway. 


I'm a fairly new participant in CC, compared with many of you, since finding myself with more time on my hands due to the pandemic. I'm really amazed that I can now put names to so many of the hosts pictured above !   


Happy 5 Years to CC ! And many more !

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

Thank you @Lizzie and all the Admins & contributers to ABB CC including @Brian CEO of ABB for providing us all with a network, when it functions, through al, our highs & lows.


Glad to see you surface @Lizzie in these challenging times from a beautiful sunny Auckland, New Zealand!!


Remember where ever we are we all rise under the same skies to sun, sleet, rain and shine pr whatever the weather and all sleep under the same nigtht skies and stars and have Comets zapping  by.


Love to all, peace & Harmony in 2021

Level 10
Darwin, Australia

@Airbnb , @Catherine-Powell, @Brian, et all....


Hi @Lizzie,

Can’t  stop to really comment today, as I’m preparing my Airbnb space for my last incoming, for 2020. So with washing all single long bedding for splitting the King bed for children, rather than couples. Although clean, it has not been needed for months!  
   🦋 But in a way, that sums up the Community Centre: 🦋

          We come, we go...

          We comment, we advise, we critique...

          We praise, we support...

          We sometimes cry, we  laugh....

          We  sometimes debate a bit too heatedly...

......... but we all generally make up and respect one another.  
I think for me, this is the essence of the Community Centre forum: warts and all.

All healthy long term relationships can have ups and downs.... 


That this works, is a global tribute to hosts, guests and admin/moderators alike.

Cheers everyone! 👏🏼🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🥂🥳

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I'm not on here so much these days, not sure why, but lovely to see such a smiley lineup pop up on what is a rainy morning here in west London. Well done, all. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Also nice to see you @Gordon0 


Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


As you know Lizzie, I do remember day one, those five years ago.


I was amazed that a company would waste a lot of money just to let their users talk and bi*ch with each other, what on earth good would that be to the company! But I soon realized why they did, all these lovely people started to enrich each others lives......and at the same time act like a level of support for Airbnb. Many user problems were solved right here on the CC and I realised what a clever move it was!


I miss a lot of my early associates and friends from here....

Dave Salmon and Deb from Edmonton.

Clare from California.

Helga and that bloody parrot of hers from Paris.

Andrea Wagner from Amsterdam.

David from Como.

Annette from Prescott in Arizona.

Linda from La Quinta in California.

And of course the wonderful Bruce from Kfar Blum in Israel.

These guys, as you know Lizzie were the backbone of the CC, I learned so much from them, I am forever in their debt.

There have been a few sparring partners as well along the way, but every one of them has helped not just me but others to become better Airbnb hosts and users.

Each year sees many wonderful new contributors come along and I just know the CC has a bright future.


This forum is a wonderful resource which I have visited every day that I possibly can over the past 5 years and will continue to visit into the future. I extend a profound level of thanks to you Lizzie, Kirstie,  Liv, Quincy, Nick, Gabby, Francesca, Steph and Katie for the wonderful way you have run the CC and kept the troops in line!


I have just become a grandpa again for the 3rd time and am off for a couple of weeks to enjoy being on the East Coast with my family but, while I am away I will be looking forward to returning here again in December.


Stay safe all, give those close to you a hug and thank you for being part of a great community!




@Nick  @Quincy  @Liv  @Stephanie  @Francesca  @Kirstie.  @Katie