The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise fr...
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The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise from top left, are: Zamani Khumalo, Geoff Gedge, Arturo Blas, Anse...
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Our 2022 Summer Release represents the biggest change to Airbnb in a decade. We’re introducing:
Airbnb Categories: A new way to search that makes it easy for guests to discover millions of homes they never knew existed
Split Stays: An innovative feature that pairs two listings when a guest searches for a longer stay
AirCover: The most comprehensive protection in travel, included for free with every stay
Get all the details on the Resource Center, and tell us: Will you be updating your listing for Airbnb Categories and Split Stays? How will you update it?
i wish they would just admit they are done with what we built them and are moving on.
People are suggesting legal action.
I don't know if a civil suit could win, but Chesky as much as admitted the revamped search was a premeditated scheme to steer business away from established Host partners and "sprinkle" clients away from searched areas. A good lawyer could make a case against AirBnb for manipulating search results causing economic damage to its Host partners. It may not win in court, but it would be a black eye for the company, and perhaps they'd correct their mistake.
Update: The only options for Amazing Views all happen to be a select few high end beach mansions with high end management companies.
After guest enters Charleston, two guest, and gets listings for the area, about 10 miles around the city, (with 7 nights available or more only) then clicks Amazing Views, it zooms out to three beaches on the coast hundreds of miles apart, all mansions, over 4 beds, with high end management companies. (with the exaction of one)
Then if guest tries to zoom back in it erases the search area, and still will only display the same high end mansions, even though 2 guest have been selected.
I was hoping this was a glitch that would be sorted out but at least in my area it appears we aren't getting the full story on these new categories, and guest are having harder time finding places to stay that are centrally located, as the search has been hijacked to week long stays and categories for high end managed beach mansions. ally located, as it also only defaults to listings with 7 nights available.
This is purposeful. The end of Airbnb for us regular folks.
@Ken1852 Do most of your guest generally book on short notice, or way in advance?
I'm thinking the search defaulting to Any Week may be preventing guest from searching listings when they are traveling on short notice, or only want 2-4 nights?
Airbnb used to provide the average number of days guest booked for the area, which for our area dropped from 4 to 3 nights. My last guest just booked to see the Black Crows in town. Right now travelers want a 2-4 night get away, not too far away. That's how it was with covid. As it is now the default is displaying available week many moths in advance, in 2023, and guest need to click on each listing and search one at a time, so they give up way before that. Entering exact dates is also confusing with the +_ flexibility. Most guest assume they are selecteding a month and how many days to travel, then when they hit search it defaults back to Any Week.
The Amazing Views category should be changed to "Black Rock"
And zero communication from Airbnb so far. With other recent updates we got some feed back and more changes but nothing as of yet about what's going win or some simple changes that could help guest find what they are looking for.
I've essentially given up and have zero expectations now. I've had 1 new booking in the last 2 weeks. Granted, most of my weekends are booked through June, but I have plenty of availability during the weeks in between.
My 30-day views have plummeted from 900 to 495. My average daily views have gone from 30 to 8. Yesterday, only 5 people viewed my listing.
My listing is simply not being show to potential guests. I imagine guests are also getting frustrated at not being able to find properties they need.
@John5097 I usually book out four weeks in advance and sprinkle in some last minute. I've had one booking since the change. It's over. Pretty much the same treatment I've received from anyone I helped to make wealthy... discarded. I'm listing on other platforms, giving it a couple months, and if I'm not up and running again then it's time to throw in the towel.
@Ken1852 @Suzanne302
This can't just be the economy. Host from Stockholm and Spain are also seeing the sudden drop off in bookings and page views since the new update. Airbnb knows exactly where guest are clicking and not clicking. I would think a fix is in the works, as this can't be sustainable. Other host in the Facebook groups are reporting an increase with other booking sites. Check it out. I'm booked through the summer, so not a good time to add another platform as I would need to have some availability.
I was thinking of adding more properties but still a few years out, but who knows I could be doing something else soon. I'd still wait it out, a few minor changes could make a huge difference, and economy should pick back up.
Or anyone looking for a regular holiday in a regular place.
Why does my airbnb logon screen show the same 8 properties I will never click on, every time I log on for the past 2 weeks.
And why are these properties also shown to other profiles when I logon with other userids on other browsers.
Surely the front screen is important real estate where you should be proposing properties targeted to the user based on your "intelligence" you have on them?
Or if not at least test different proposals to see what the person clicks on?
Anybody else getting these same 8 properties all the time when they log on?
@Suzanne302 It's over. I'm listing on other platforms but truth be told, they never generated enough business for me in the past. This really sucks because I don’t use Airbnb to get rich. I use it to just barely get by and keep my mother in a private Alzheimer's care facility so she doesn't end up in a state run facility. But these are poor and middle class issues which are not the concern of the wealthy.
It's a shame. My listing is a homeshare, so I have no other option. But I'm lucky that I don't depend on the income. It helps "cushion" me a bit, and it's really nice to have, but I don't need it.
I feel for hosts like you and others who depend on the income and hope you can find alternate platforms that will work.