We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the update...
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We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the updated Superhost criteria, so we wanted to explain why we made this up...
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People are experiencing hate and discrimination around the world, but due to the tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others, these last few weeks have been especially difficult for Black people in the United States, including hosts and guests.
We shared the email below with our community in the U.S. this morning, including an Activism and Allyship guide to stand with the Black Lives Matter movement. We also want to hear your ideas.
What can we as a global community do to mobilize and show our commitment to nondiscrimination?
To: All hosts and guests in the US
Subject Line: Antiracism resources for the Airbnb community
As we work to process the tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others, we wanted to send a message to you directly. To hosts and guests who are hurting, angry, and scared, we want you to know that Airbnb stands with you.
Discrimination is the greatest threat to a community built on belonging and acceptance. It cuts to the core of who we are and what we believe in. Airbnb stands with Black Lives Matter, and we reject racism, bigotry, and hate.
We can’t talk about recent events without also acknowledging the painful truth that some hosts and guests still experience discrimination, something that is the very opposite of our mission to create belonging. In 2016, Airbnb launched our nondiscrimination policy and community commitment, and over 1.3 million people who declined the pledge have been removed from our platform. We still have work to do, and we’re continuing to take action on our commitment to fighting discrimination.
One way we’re doing that is by donating a total of $500,000 to the NAACP and the Black Lives Matter foundation in support of their fight for equality and justice, in addition to matching donations to both groups made from all of our employees. Another is sharing an Activism and Allyship guide that our Black employee resource group, Black@Airbnb, prepared for our team, which references work from activists and experts in antiracism. We thought it would be helpful to share these resources with you—as we all work together to become better and more active allies.
Please take care of yourselves, and stay safe.
In solidarity,
The Airbnb Team
Please keep in mind the Community Center Guidelines, when sharing your ideas.
I was going to write something brilliant, deep and considerate to respond affirmatively to this. Instead I will just say one thing that I think is most Important for the world to know at this moment.
"The Piece of Garbage whose name doesn't deserve repeating that Murdered George Floyd in cold blood for the world to watch over and over again does not represent my Nation "The United States of America" nor the citizens it is comprised of in any way shape or form nor do his cohorts that sat on their nightsticks and watched.
That said, there is work to do to eliminate and punish the ones that would infect the many and we need to get on with that right now and we shall! Please stay well! JR
I am totally supportive of all peaceful avenues to combat racism. It is disgusting and has no place in Any civilization. That being said, I am appalled Airbnb would use any money that I helped to create to contribute to Black Lives Matter. I, and many others, believe this organization uses violence and intimidation to further its goals. You use your hosts to build and maintain your business and make a living for yourselves and your employees. When you announce your contributions to political organizations, you should make them from your own pockets - your names - don’t include me.
you clearly don’t know anything about that movement. And I am personally offended by your comments. You’re exactly the type of host I want to avoid which is why Airbnb should stop hiding profiles from booking guests.
You’re entitled to your opinions but they have no basis in fact. It’s been well known by most people with a brain that organizations like this run by people of color have members who are paid by outside organizations to infiltrate and do damage. But BLM is a nonviolent movement.
and for the record, the fees you generate are revenue you pay to be on the platform. Why not leave then? Airbnb wants to eradicate hate among its hosts. Raise your hand and volunteer to resign,
I'm raising my hand to resign. While I reject racism, homophobia, bigotry and hate the BLM movement is not something I can support. The million dollars should have been given to the NAACP instead of a movement that feeds off hate in its own way. So you will and can not shame me for taking a stance, I know who I am and I can not in good conscious continue to feed a platform that rewards division no more than I would support a white supremacy group. Its been great AIRBNB but its time to move on.
"no more than I would support a white supremacy group"
False parallel @Roger19, BLM is not a "supremacy" group at all - that's the whole point of it
Where on Earth do you get your facts, @Roger19 ...Fox News? BLM has NEVER been violent or supremacist. NEVER.
But a lot of non Black people have been painting them with that brush to blunt their message.
It is disturbing that Airbnb claims to have an anti-racist organization and allows hosts in this platform to then malign a Black group with false information.
Roger......I too resign from this organization. I am new here and waiting for my first reservation soon and more in the next couple months. I would never contribute to an organizartion that is not simply dedicated to protecting black people, but they forcibly advance causes such as the destruction of the nuclear family and the radical redefinition of human sexuality. Seems Airbnb supports those causes and for that reason I could never be part of this.
Oh if only that were true.
@Gerry138 what's this "radical redefinition of human sexuality" that BLM is promoting ? I hadn't heard of this. I hope to god it's not to do with insects. Or fireworks. I draw the line at that sort of behaviour.
Hi @Peggy300
My experience hasn't been that the Black Lives matter movement advocates violence and intimidation - can you link to information showing that the organisation promotes this?
It is not a political movement it is a civil rights movement with a clear aim and purpose;
'to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes and to create a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise'.
@Roger19 I am rather confused as to why you state that it is a platform that feeds off division and why you would compare a civil rights movement that welcomes all with a white supremacist move that advocates violence and separation?
Could not agree more, Peggy. Thank you for your comments. I too am appalled that any money I helped contribute to this business would be used to further Black Lives Matters agendas. People are not informed on what is really going on. I will not longer be associated with Airbnb for this reason. What a shame they didn't just stick to their business model.