We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the update...
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We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the updated Superhost criteria, so we wanted to explain why we made this up...
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Earlier this year, Airbnb announced that it was expanding its rewards program for Superhosts. Several new benefits were introduced, including an extra 20% cash bonus for referring new hosts. (Hosts can make up to $600 in referrals, depending on their location.) That’s in addition to the benefits Superhosts have long enjoyed, like priority placement in search results and the Superhost profile badge.
Since then, the Airbnb team has done more research to improve the Superhost experience even more. That’s why they’ve decided to adjust certain rewards to focus on the most impactful benefits. The goal is to expand the rewards program in the next year or so. Stay tuned for announcements on this— hopefully by early 2019.
If you’re a Superhost and want to learn more, log in to your account and visit the Superhost rewards portal.
The Airbnb team would love to hear your thoughts on Superhost rewards. Which benefits do you enjoy most? Which new benefits would you like to see?
We look forward to hearing from you on this one.
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How do I receive the $100 travel credit if I'm a superhost?
Hello @Dawn-A0,
Nice to meet you.
If you retains your Superhost status for 4 quarters (1 year), then you receive the $100 travel credit. 🙂
Are you close to this, do you think?
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
Some people (myself included) never give 5 star (aka) perfect reviews.
Nothing or nobody is perfect, therefore 5 stars is impossible to achieve.
*this is in response to the Martin who objects to people asking for the ability to remove a negative review.
Personally, I’d like the instant book requirement removed for search priorities, and the ability to cancel 1 or 2 bookings a year.
The most important feature of being a Superhost for me is the cs Superhost hotline. The most disturbing part about hosting at all is that Airbnb allows guests to leave reviews even when they have been reported and cs sides with the host. The review is not the problem because Airbnb will delete if necessary and the host can rebuke the comments. The problem is Airbnb insists the star rating is computer generated and can’t be removed which negatively impacts Superhost status. Also, regarding reviews and star ratings, guests can post a review even if they never showed up for the reservation. Pretty crazy. Policy should be changed immediately!
I am a Superhost because I never use instabook. I run our Airbnb as a Lodge and work as the Ambassador for our area. Screening the correct matches with our skills and region defines what we do and why we do it. This is important work for us and a mission to share andctech as well. People that don't match our offering will never appreciate where they are or why they are there. Superhosts should not be pressured to use instabook it is contrary to the mission of Airbnb.
I've been a host since mid April this year and have been fortunate to have had my place pretty well fully booked since then. It's quietened down a bit by comparison but I have some bookings up to and over Christmas and one already for next year! It's been quite an experience and learning curve and feel we have nailed all the issues that make life agreeable to guests, my neighbour and my utterly brilliant house-keeper, who really should be the superhost. All I do is sit at this keyboard!!
I'm sure I will sound a bit smug to some but the levels of booking, the income, all the great guests and their lovely reviews are reward in themselves. I access the site solely to deal with guests as their stay approaches or as a guest. AIRBNB is great during my golfing travels and family holidays.
Reading these posts I didn't realise how intensified some superhosts' are, especially about rewards. Are they 'on a mission' to reach some 'heights of commercial omnipotence?' I don't know about others but I look at my AIRBNB existence as fun with some extra income, not a military-style campaign.
I am not one to pontificate about rewards. So AIRBNB, if I am eligible for $100 would you kindly donate it to a dementia charity of your choice please, if that's possible? I am not one to seek discounts from other hosts merely because I am a superhost. Hosts earn their income and shouldn't have to give discounts unless they choose to.
As for online reviews am I right in suggesting that you don't have to make a review and your guests' reviews won't go public until you've posted yours? So if you detect an unfair poor review is on its way, then don't enter yours. My host in Poland recently didn't review me, for whatever reason, but maybe as I made contact about poor wi-fi and tv set-ups and nothing was done. We can of course report poor guests through other channels if they disrespect our places. If by not providing a review I lose my superhost status then I can live with that. As said, my experiences in my first year have been the reward.
Hi. I'm Joica. On the last week of September, a young woman booked with me for the weekend. Said it was her BIRTHDAY. Said there will be a total of 5 girls in my home. So, I got her a little bracelet and a birthday card as a gift. Then got my house ready to accommodate 5 people.
Turns out, she had 20 PEOPLE IN MY HOME! They DESTROYED MY HOME! PUNCHED a hole STRAIGHT THROUGH my BEDROOM DOOR! A WHOLE IN MY KITCHEN WALL! Busted out 2 KITCHEN CABINETS! BROKE MY WHOLE TOILET! BROKE my Handrail, my ottoman, dining room chair, vase, TORE UP MY FLOORS, DESTROYED MY COUCHES, STOLE 2 BRACELETS that were given to me as Graduation gifts from my mom and grandmom and stole a pair of GUCCI sneakers!
People in my quiet neighborhood heard them FIGHTING in my home! And the fight spilled OUTSIDE of my home WHICH THEY RECORDED! All of this took place at 5 IN THE MORNING!!! The Video footage was sent to me along with statements, concerns and complaints!
Oh...here's the best part....AIRBNB SENT THEM TO ME! I have sent Airbnb EVERYTHING that they requested of me...3 WEEKS AGO! And NO ONE and I mean NO ONE HAS CONTACTED ME!
I call Airbnb 3 TIMES A DAY.....EVERY! SINGLE! DAY!! You would THINK they would show some support my way by helping me and my family to stay somewhere else ON THEM! But, NOPE! As it stands....I STILL HAVEN'T HEARD FROM ANYONE!
The sad part about this is...I though I was family. I thought I could depend on them.
Hello @Ronald142,
Good to meet you, my name is Lizzie and I am the Community Manager here in the Community Center.
It is so sad to hear about the damage made to your listing, you are clearly a very kind and caring host. I am sorry this happened to your home.
I know from what you have mentioned you have been in touch with our Support Team multiple times since this happened and I am sorry to hear your frustration around the process. It does sounds as though it is a complex case and there is lots of things to look into, so I imagine (especially as you have been in touch), that you case manager is just really focusing on investigating everything before getting back to you with more information. I know it has been a while now and each case is different in terms of lenght of time, but I am sorry it is taking longer than expected.
I want you to know though that I have fed back you message here over to our Support Team and I just hope you will get an update on your case shortly.
I wish you the best of luck with everything and I hope you will be back up and hosting many great guests again soon.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
If you are giving $100 credits for Superhosts why can’t we use it for experiences too?
Hello @Beth235,
Good question. My initial thought would be you can, but I'm not sure. I wonder have you tried using your travel credit for an experience?
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
Dear Airbnb,
thanks for starting a discussion on Superhost rewards.
I have to agree that as a host no matter how super, I would like it get some an answer if I have questions (which usually works great). I like the $100 voucher and think it is a "win-win" as for you it is much better than "real $ 100" and for me its a nice treat even though I might book something in total for more than $ 100.
On the Potography deal - I know what a real professional potographer costs - and I would rather book him if I would want my flat to look like "wow". I however want my guests to get a "real" view of what they will buy. So I took some honest - but still positive shaped pictures. I think however e.g. me taking pictures of someone elses house with a profi camera isn't worth it, so I wouldn't choose it.
As its close to christmas - what do I wish from Airbnb: Do not take too much money from my guests. If I enter a price in the calendar - its not the final price - its a "fake price", because you will add a charge to my guest which I will not see at that time and you will even deduct some dollars from that price I see as another charge from me. I know its your business model to take money from both, but it seems a little greedy if it is more than $5 and its reasonably more. Because not you are providing a service - its me. You only arrange for the "match".
Some years ago, that "match" was more special to me. The people were expecting more of a home place and not a "serviced appartment". Nowadays, as many more people use airbnb that spirit gets lost more and more.
My guests than rates me on that service on a scale you provide and seem to like it. Still, I think a) the scale is a little uneven - I can't rate the guest in the same ways, he rates my flat. Was he as good looking as on the picture? fun to interact with? did he have 1000 special requests (which I most probably happily solved, but probably next time I would not want to have him again, even though in general I would recommend him to another host, as he will not steal the furniture or make a party in the house) ? did he even bring a host gift? (or what should I expect from a 5-Star-Guest?) For the flat the rating seems much more important than for him as a guest? Why is that? Couldn't I also choose guests because they are "real 5 Star guests" - or at least give some an incentive to become more of a 5 star guest?
On the rating for the flat - please tell the hosts that you are asking the guests for the feedback. I made a checklist that I will tell every guest where he finds all the stuff you ask for (shampoo, soap, towels, etc.). At my place it would be obvious to find them, but I don't want any smartass to rate me 4 Stars because he doesn't remember or I just didn't tell him that "of course" the soap close to the lavatory tap he can use. Also please help me and the guests with the definitions - whats 4 star compared to 5 star. And that less than 4 stars is a really really bad ranting (at least for me as a superhost). I sometimes have the feeling that the ratings have a cultural dimension - type a rates always 5 stars, type b can be very picky.
I want to address some thoughts on me as a potential guest as well: If I book a trip, I sometimes compare to Booking - where I also get a priceoff as a "frequent user" and even cashback from other sources. I don't get these things in Airbnb - which is the main reason for not booking airbnbs if I don't. Is Airbnb to greedy to participate in such programs?
More and more "stylish places" are popping up on airbnb - so instead of an "airbed and breakfast", it becomes rather like "secret escapes". Upside: Cooler places. Downsite: The personal touch and the "home" feeling is lost. Fear: "Usual place owners" like me might become unattractive for Airbnb/cannot "compete" with superfancy lofts/castles/islands.
Further: If I own a "for rent only property" - I would be kind of a hostel/hotel. So anyone on e.g. Booking could also just pick my phone number or google my page and just contact me to ask for my "non airbnb" rate. Airbnb wouldn't get a cent. - A "hotel professional" doesn't necessarily need a plattform like airbnb - there are plenty others out there already where the loft/castle/island maybe is also placed. A sharing economy friend like me however would like to have airbnb as a plattform rather than the others.
Unlike some other superhosts, I like to book out my very central place for the "highest amount of money", not "most of the time". I have the feeling, that Airbnb dillutes prices in my area as other hosts who might follow the airbnb recommendations usually start with lower rates. There are actually no days where airbnb would recommend to me to rise prices, even though there are e.g. big UN events in my city and anyone would know the entire hotels in the city are already booked and prices are up quite much. Or also around the carnival time - no suggestion to rise the prices ... why not? Hotels will cost much much more or just not be available any more.
My last questions
- How does the "level" system for Superhosts work here?
- Will differentiation in superhosts come? (bronze/silver/gold superhost? based on performance parameters? - if yes, please at least get me some royalties for the idea, even though I might hate the implementation)
I hope my feedback helps and I wish you a great morning/day/evening - depending on which part of the world you are.
Yours, Stefan
In case you want to discuss this any further feel free to contact me. I would be happy to consult you professionally (starting at a get-to-know rate of $ 1000 per day basis). Looking forward 🙂
With 43 Airbnb bookings so far this year, we are happily exhausted. The $100 voucher is nice but not nearly enough to give us the restful vacation we need. How about a cruise or vacation option just for Superhosts, or a bigger voucher? That would make us very happy.
I agree that being a Superhost means nothing. Airbnb do nothing for me as a host. I had guests who stole items from my home and basically trashed the place, when I contacted Airbnb to report the guest, they said they could do nothing unless the police contacted them.
After distatesful experiences like this I believe a superhost should be able to cancel/refuse at least 2 bookings, and remove at least 2 unwarrented negative reviews. It does not matter how good you are as a host, there are some negative people you simply cannot please, and I don't think it's fair that they can write whatever they like without consequences.
The only reward I would like is some Airbnb stock when you go public. Thank you.
I do agree with you! Lots of stock would be the best reward. Forget the $100 credit as it really doesn’t go very far. Also, Where would Airbnb “ BE”without their Hosts!