
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Compliments to the host

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Compliments to the host

Surfacing Kudos Article Image.jpg


There’s nothing like getting a “job well done!” when you’ve worked hard. And so many of you do go the extra mile to create magical stays for your guests. Our team that works on reviews knows how much positive feedback matters. So during one team brainstorm, they came up with this idea: What if we gave guests a way to quickly and easily specify what was so great about their stay with a host? We could identify the most common themes that guests love about their top-rated trips and list them out for guests to choose from. Fast forward to today and their idea is coming to life. Here are the top seven themes that emerged:



Now when a guest gives their trip an overall rating of 4-5 stars, they’re automatically prompted to give a little more detail about what made it memorable. Guests can choose as many of the seven compliments as they like, and (as always) they can elaborate on their experience in their own words in public or private feedback. So the next time you wow your guests, here’s what they’ll see:




And we’ve added a special “Compliments” section to your review summary when you’re viewing it from the Airbnb app on your mobile phone—so you’re sure to see what they appreciated about your space and your hosting style. The team is adding the final touches to this feature on the web, so soon you’ll see the Compliments section when you’re on your computer as well.




There’s more soon to come. We’re working on ways to make these compliments show up in guest searches so that they can see what makes your hospitality shine. It’s another way to help set guest expectations and reach your hosting goals. Whether you already have a few compliments, or you’re looking forward to that first one, we’re cheering you on.

507 Replies 507

I had a man whose wife was terrified of dogs and then complained about my two dogs and asked me to lock them up. My listing is very clear that I have dogs. They are even pictured in the listing.

I had a guest complain that they didn’t have access to the thermostat. My thermostat is in plain view and my Nest history showed that they manually adjusted it while they were on site. If they didn’t know how to use it properly they could have contact me. 

I have the same issue  with my dogs.  Despite me telling them in my profile I have two dogs, having a picture of the two dogs and then asking them AGAIN when they request to book if they are OK with dogs I STILL get people that are terrified of dogs.  Last week four out of the five guests that were here were petrified  of the dogs complete with screaming. I was so glad when they left and they were only here overnight but that was way too long. I  don’t know what I can do differently to get my point across that I have two dogs   

Level 4
California, United States

I also wish Airbnb would not look at 4 stars as a negative thing as they make it as such. I’ve had so many guests “have an amazing time” then gives me a 4 star when they give me all 5 stars on everything else! Furthermore - guests just won’t tell you the current issues while they’re on the property- but be picky and over state ever little thing wrong on reviews! Makes me crazy!

I find that to be the problem with social media in general.   It's a means to be overally critical with zero repercussion.

I agree with you should provide positve and negative feed back to the host. only....if they like things they can add those compliment items...if they have negative review it will get figured out pretty quickly....


I agree.  I have found an interesting way to stifle a little bit of the negativity.  A day, or two prior to each guests check out, I send a personal note, hoping they enjoyed their stay.  I also, request feedback to assist me to"continuously monitor the service provided.'. I also go on to re-give them move out instructions.  By asking for feedback prior to the Airbnb review, this often discourages them from a 2nd wave of negativity.  Good luck!

Excellent idea thanks for the tip!

Another way to get around the negativity is to send a Thank You message the morning after they arive "asking if their first night was ok and if there is anything they need to make their stay better, I also message them after they have checked out,saying that it was nice to have met them and that we hope they enjoyed their stay... It is frustrating when guests mark us down and don't explain why ! especially when they have left such a positive review... I am trying to have thicker skin with regards to feedbackm as some people feel that nothing is good enough.

I have starting doing the same and it is very effective.


I’m very new to this, very excited and wanting to please people, my first guests almost had me quitting, she knew I had animals, yet had to complain about them on my review, than she said she had allergies, that was the first day, so I cleaned the house from top to bottom. Than she complained of the bleach/cleaner, and asked if I’d went in there bathroom to tidy, so I felt I couldn’t win, they had a death in the family, I felt bad, I went out of my way, bought her and him there particular favorites wines,

cheese, crackers, made them a quiche, and strawberry pizza, she had to complain about the location, it’s 5 mins from the beach, and the rooster, what am I suppose to do about that, it’s not mine, I haven’t had a single person complain like that since her. That almost ruined the whole thing for me, why are people so negative. I’m trying to remain positive and put that out there. 

I agree Michelle, most of the complaints are about things already noted prior to the reservation. 

Love this idea!

Level 2
Arizona, United States

Thank you for that tip, I’m a new host and I’m going to start using this. I would prefer to hear comments directly from my guest. 

I  am with you Tim


My guests get:

1. The auto thank you on booking, from AirBnB

2. Then a personal (albeit prepared earlier) email from me within 24 hours, usually 1.

3. Follow up emails if they haven't sent through requested details - need airport transfer, room setup etc

4. n 'soon to arrive' a week before they arrive, seeing if they need any help or detals have changed. Guests super love this one.

5. A welcome email after my staff tell me they are in house

6. A day before departure thank you.

7. Within 24 hours of exit, a thank you email with my 'Family & Friends' offer for coming back.


Thank goodness for templates!