Know someone who’d be a great host? Starting today, you can...
Know someone who’d be a great host? Starting today, you can earn rewards for referring hosts of experiences as well as homes...
Superhosts deserve web addresses that are as unique as their homes and hospitality. And soon, all Superhosts will be able to create a custom web address—an exclusive, easy-to-remember link that will help guests find their specific listings and make it easier to brand and promote their business. That’s right, no more lengthy web addresses that include random numbers and symbols (unless you prefer them, of course).
In the next couple of months, we’ll be introducing custom links to Superhosts. Superhosts will receive an email or a dashboard notification with a link to create their personalized web addresses.
Let’s brainstorm some ideas to make your link stand out. First, here’s what the new format will look like:
Some web address examples:
Things to think about:
Tips on making your custom link easier to read:
Other points to keep in mind:
This feature was designed so Superhosts can create memorable web addresses, put them on business cards and in email signatures, and promote them on social media. In the coming months, all Superhosts will get access to this feature—thank you for providing hospitality as unique as your future web address.
*Superhosts are allowed one custom URL per listing. If at some point, you’re no longer a Superhost, you will be able to keep your custom web address. If your listing becomes deactivated, the custom URL is then available for another listing to claim.
Hoping you roll this out in order of longevity as hosts!
Thank you so much!!!!!We love you.
Wonderful idea, I have tried to find link to share my site and it is hard. I will make my custom link as soon as you give me the option.
Daria in Fairfield Beach, OH..............couldn't @ you............
Your listings are: Every host should know their numbers for easy access and for printing cards
to share and give to folks to find your listings.
and the Narcissus place
Happy hosting, Clara
Thank you Airbnb! Can I pick my current name I’m using now so someone can’t use it first? 😂🤓🤟🏻♥️Where do we send it?
Really great idea!
Thank you Airbnb!
LOVE this idea! thanks.....
Too excited!! ... Creating a list of potential possibilities!!
Will there be an additional service charge?
Great news.
finally.. We needed this.. Now i can put this on my business card on the back!!
Thank you Airbnb!
I’m so pleased, yet I do have one concern.
I created my brand when I joined Airbnb. Since that time and my brands success, I have noticed many in my area attempting to hijack the brand in some form. Basically using the name within their description.
How can I use my brand name - which is what ai wish to do - before someone else in the area snaps it up?