The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise fr...
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The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise from top left, are: Zamani Khumalo, Geoff Gedge, Arturo Blas, Anse...
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Superhosts deserve web addresses that are as unique as their homes and hospitality. And soon, all Superhosts will be able to create a custom web address—an exclusive, easy-to-remember link that will help guests find their specific listings and make it easier to brand and promote their business. That’s right, no more lengthy web addresses that include random numbers and symbols (unless you prefer them, of course).
In the next couple of months, we’ll be introducing custom links to Superhosts. Superhosts will receive an email or a dashboard notification with a link to create their personalized web addresses.
Let’s brainstorm some ideas to make your link stand out. First, here’s what the new format will look like:
Some web address examples:
Things to think about:
Tips on making your custom link easier to read:
Other points to keep in mind:
This feature was designed so Superhosts can create memorable web addresses, put them on business cards and in email signatures, and promote them on social media. In the coming months, all Superhosts will get access to this feature—thank you for providing hospitality as unique as your future web address.
*Superhosts are allowed one custom URL per listing. If at some point, you’re no longer a Superhost, you will be able to keep your custom web address. If your listing becomes deactivated, the custom URL is then available for another listing to claim.
Any update on timing? Is this live?
Yes, its well and truly live - for Superhosts at least. ! Check my previous replies to similar questions foir details how to access it, or just look on your dashboard. xx
Hi I dont seem to have received the dashboard banner etc to set this up.
Could you please email to :
Many thanks,
Sharron ****
*[Personal information hidden for safety reasons–inline with the Community Center Guidelines]
This is all very well and I wold love to do it but how? Also I lost the message about identifying my wheelchair acces and the need for photo evidence.
Dont worry David and Cecelia. You don't need to find that email I'm order to add the desired info to your listing. Just go to your dashboard - . You might find that Airbnb have put a "to do" message there for you'. If so click on that link. If not then click on your "listing " tab. (if you have more than one then choose the one you want edit. It might help if you can use a laptop or computer if you are struggling in your phone or tablet)
Underneath your listing details tab you will see all the things you can edit, just like when you first set up your listing. (If there is anything new, you might even see it marked as new.)
Underneath PHOTOS, is ROOMS and SPACES, then AMENTIES, then there is the tab that says ACCESSIBILITY FEATURES. Just click on the EDIT tab to add what you need there.
Further down, underneath title and description you will see the tab CUSTOM LINK. That's where you add your personalised web address for your listing.
Click in the EDIT tab...
Hopefully that helps! xx
Thanks Elaine, I'll give that a go.
Hi Air BnB I haven't received a link yet to start my own website? How do I get this?
I had to call customer service, check my posting below!
I had to call customer service, check my posting below!
Looks like a great idea! How long before these are available and will there be instructions for us on "How to create your link" ?
Look at my posting below.... had to call customer service!
I'm a Superhost in California and followed the suggestions above for "Create A Custom Link" tab on my Dashboard, but couldn't find it so, I called the fantastic customer service in San Francisco just now.
Here's what transpired for a successful result:
Thank you!!!
I would like to create a unique title but don't see the offer in my dashboard. Would someone direct me?
@Sheila187 wrote:I would like to create a unique title but don't see the offer in my dashboard. Would someone direct me?
Just look on your hosting dashboard Sheila. If it is enabled for you - and they might just be rolling it out slowly - you will find it directly under where you edit the title for your listing beneath the edit photos tab. It says create custom link....xx Elaine