Great news—Airbnb is now accepting submissions for new exper...
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Great news—Airbnb is now accepting submissions for new experiences! List your Experience has reopened. The goal is to find am...
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Hello everyone,
As the world grapples with issues of climate change, pollution, and other environmental challenges, the need for sustainability has never been more important.
One way of promoting sustainability is by bringing people together to celebrate the earth and learn ways to protect it. In celebration of Earth Day, we thought it would be a perfect opportunity to organize the second annual Festival of Sustainability, from April 20th to April 27th.
The festival is entirely online, full of great topics and fun conversation. You can revisit our first Festival by having a look here: Festival of Sustainability 2022.
The goal is to raise awareness of sustainable practices and offer practical solutions that anyone can adopt in their daily lives. We do need your help, though, so we would like to invite you to get involved.
Here are two ways:
1. Community Photo Collage:
Share a photo of yourself somewhere “green.” It could be at a park, a forest, a beach cleanup, a botanical garden or even your backyard. We will stitch all the images together to make our very own community collage that we will share as a featured post at the end of the festival. Your photo could inspire others to take action, reduce their carbon footprint, and live more sustainably. So, dust off your camera, grab your phone, and snap a photo of yourself in a green space.
How this works:
2. Create a detailed topic all sustainability:
If you would like to create a topic to be included in the week, please comment below or contact me directly to discuss this further. Some topics to consider are renewable energy sources, recycling, green products – we have other topics we can suggest as well so feel free to reach out if you’d like some ideas!
We are asking for a maximum of 750 words (if you can!), which we will translate into all the languages we support here on the CC to share during the Festival.
Together, we can make a positive impact on our planet. Let's do this! Let’s all share and inspire each other during the Festival of Sustainability!
Thanks so much,
**Deadline for article submissions is Thursday, Apr 13, 2023 ❗Monday, 17 April, 2023❗
**Deadline for photo submissions is Monday Apr 24, 2023
By submitting your image to the email address above, you authorize Airbnb to use your media, your first name, profile photo, and city and country of residence in marketing materials to promote Airbnb.
Welcome everyone who is on the 2023 Host Advisory Sustainability Subcommittee.look forward to your articles.
We have lots of great articles going up - we can't wait to read your articles and get your comments.
Photo from South Crete island, Greece
Community Center menyelenggarakan Festival Keberlanjutan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tentang masalah lingkungan dan mempromosikan praktik hidup berkelanjutan. Ini adalah kesempatan besar bagi semua orang untuk terlibat dan belajar tentang cara-cara berbeda yang dapat mereka kontribusikan untuk gaya hidup yang lebih ramah lingkungan. Dari lokakarya interaktif hingga bincang-bincang informatif dan pertunjukan musik live, selalu ada sesuatu untuk semua orang di festival ini. Jika Anda tertarik untuk berbagi pengalaman dan wawasan tentang keberlanjutan, Anda juga dapat berkontribusi dalam percakapan dengan menulis blog di sini: di situs Pusat Komunitas . Bergabunglah dengan kami dalam perayaan kehidupan berkelanjutan ini dan mari bersama-sama membuat dampak positif bagi planet kita!
@Quincy After much struggle, with resizing pics to be allowed on this post I have one - I wanted to post more but it was too much effort, sorry.
This Easter for a gift and thought to share with other hosts especially during our Earth Day/Sustainability efforts! I offered Loofah/luffa seeds to the hosts in my FB Facebook group - I grow them each year and love sharing them, they are so much fun and have several uses. The best use I find is cleaning - they do not scratch any surface and are easily washable and perfect for cleaning anything. I use them in the kitchen, bathroom and workshop when making projects also. I enjoy making soaps with luffa inside for extra clean. The loofahs/luffas last 6-12 months with daily use, they are so easy to keep fresh and clean. the other very cool thing about loofahs is they are like a squash/zucchini like and when young and small many cultures cook and enjoy eating them. They are easy to grow and I share the "How To" with all that receive seeds. It all began about 6 yrs ago and I started with 10 little seeds that I waited to get for many months. And now each loofah holds from 50-200 seeds inside - its really a joy growing. I wish everyone had our hot summer climate so they could also grow them. Many climates are not sunny enough, long enough to grow them. As it takes a good 5-6months of hot hot sunny for the best loofahs/luffas. Just one of the small efforts to ask others to think and re-think how we do what we do, live and host and our impact.
Our next meet up is April 27th being held at the perfect spot - From The Ground Up Community Garden. I'll make sure to send a follow up, and pics if possible.
blessings, Clara
@Clara116 I bought my luffa seeds from seed savers in Australia so my plan is to plant them and try out your wisdom.
@Laurelle3 wonderful. keep me posted on how you are doing! Its such fun to see them grow. The beautiful yellow flowers are great pollinators and so you'll see lots of bees around loving them. Happy planting.
Hugs, Clara
Hi I can't wait to see everyones pictures of there actions for Earth Day! Remember to use our tag! #AirbnbEarthDay
Regards from Paraty/RJ - Brazil
If you are in Central Ontario, come meet some Canadian Hosts on
Thursday April 20, 2023
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Wear red clothing for a Canadian Clean up photo
Rest of the details below. An incredible special guest. Let us know if you are coming by registering below💚👇
Hi Quincy,
Please let me know how I can submit an article and a picture too.
I would like to know more the type of article possible to submit as I thought could be including how we include sustainability in the way we are hosting. Please let me know.
Hi Quincy,
I sent you a picture and an article to the above email address. Please let me know if that works.
As Laurelle said, we have a formal Clean Up Australia Day where community groups, schools, councils, states, individuals et all undertake a formal area to clean up, or just somewhere personal. Some pledges are public, most are not. This year it was in early March, but depending on weather conditions, this sometimes gets rescheduled. (As can happen up here in the Wet Season tropics! **
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