In Case You Missed It: Review update, Host Guarantee & more

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In Case You Missed It: Review update, Host Guarantee & more



We’re excited to share what we’ve been working on over the past few months, from expanding our efforts to tackle inconsistent reviews (we heard your feedback!) to offering new promotional tools that can help your listing stand out. Read on to learn more.

A review update inspired by your feedback

Late last year, we announced a new tool to help address inconsistent reviews. Here’s how it worked: If a guest gave you a 5-star rating in each category (cleanliness, value, etc.) but 1, 2, or 3 stars overall, they’d get a prompt asking them if they wanted to correct that inconsistency.


We got lots of great feedback from hosts on the new tool, and some of you asked why we set the threshold at 3 stars or less—in other words, why wouldn’t a 4-star overall rating trigger the prompt if the guest gave 5 stars everywhere else? We heard you, and we’ve changed the system so that now, even a 4-star overall rating will trigger a prompt if the guest has given 5 stars in each of the specific categories.


With this update, we’re continuing our work to make reviews more relevant and useful for hosts and guests, and we look forward to sharing more changes later in the year.

New custom promotions to get your listing noticed

We recently rolled out our new custom promotions feature, which lets hosts choose their own date range and discount amount. Hosts who set custom promotions can get access to special perks, including:


  • An eye-catching strikethrough price in search pages and on their listing (e.g. $100 $85/night)
  • Special callouts on their listing page, and the discount clearly detailed in the price breakdown
  • A spot in the emails that go out to guests who browsed their listing


If your dashboard doesn't currently show custom promotions as an option, it may be because you're in a location that isn't supported or because you've had fewer than three bookings in the past year. In the meantime, you can still offer deals to guests by setting a lower price for specific dates, or setting up weekly and monthly discounts.

Host Guarantee will soon cover damage by assistance animals

We know that assistance animals (which include service and emotional support animals) play a crucial role in the lives of many of our guests, and we appreciate your willingness to accommodate them. We also know that there are rare cases where an assistance animal causes damage to a host’s property, so in the coming months, we’ll be expanding our $1,000,000 USD Host Guarantee to cover those incidents. (Keep in mind that the Airbnb Host Guarantee is subject to certain terms, conditions, and exclusions—you can learn more about it here.) We hope this update helps bring peace of mind as you continue to welcome guests with different needs into your spaces.


As always, we’d love to hear your feedback on these changes in the comments below. We’ll continue to work on updates that help make hosting easier and more enjoyable for you, so stay tuned for more to come!


248 Replies 248
Level 2
Charter Twp of Berlin, MI

Not true!! They can remove the star rating if the guest lied about you. I had one removed a couple of weeks ago!! Go to their Twitter account if you need to. 

I agree, I got a lower rating from a guest because it was not near a specific attraction that he wanted to go to! He knew here my unit was located before he booked, and it didn't move!  So how do I get penalized for not being near an attraction? On top of that, it would have cost 2-3x more per day to stay near the attraction (which is probably why he didn't book elsewhere).


Ratings should be on an objective basis, such as Was the property as advertised? Was it clean? Was the host accessible? Etc. The "overall value" of a property depends on the eye of the beholder, who knows what goes into that calculation? There is no objective way this can be assessed. Ratings should be based solely on measurable, objective criteria.


not good I think Airbnb should protect us more


So true, the guests who post low scores are the ones who commonly break the rules. No consideration for other people's property. Also where I host, the locals are the most inconsiderate guests. I wish that Airbnb had more screening tools to detect these weasels. 

I totally agree with you! In my case it is the guests that have either not followed the house rules or the ones you give so much to like arrive early, leave late, provide a car seat, stroller etc that is not in the listing and then you get a 3 or 4 review from them. That is even after checking in to see if you can do or get something to enhance their stay. I find it very unfair. 


Actually what is most shocking is that I can get 10 5 star reviews in a row and my Air b n b rating stays the same but then one 3 from a rule breaker and my points drop a full point taking me out of being a super host. 10 more 5 stars after that and again no point moved upwards. 


One unwarranted 3 star kills you for months and that is not right. Air b n b should realize you can not please everyone. It’s unfair the price we pay in ratings for hosting that one person that you just can’t please! 

Absolutely right. This is very frustrating.

Level 2
New Jersey, United States

I agree with you 100%. I recently received a 3-star review from a guest that did not follow my house rules. Smoked. Rearranged all my furniture, never put them back in order. Kept all garbage with infant poop. They broke some of my amenities. 

I agree  with  you Evelyn.It is so unfair.In my case guests  who have a negative  feedback are those who messed  up  all the rooms especially  the kitchen  and the bathroom .

Level 10
Brant, Canada

I have no idea where Airbnb is rolling out custom promotions; it seems to be geographic but not sure how it is decided. And do all hosts get the opportunity to participate?


I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to participate. I would love to have some answers so I can continue to participate.

Level 1
England, United Kingdom

whats custom promotions?


I have copied the text below that may appear to the right of your calendar page. Check Airbnb from your computer, not your smartphone. You may also get notices of promotions available by email sent to you. Check your profile, so you are getting these Airbnb promotions.


"A new way to promote your listing
Promotions offer brand-new ways for you to grab guests’ attention. It’s simple: give guests a deal and get new perks that help you show off your listing on Airbnb—from new styling for your listing in search to a spot in emails we send to guests.
Available promotions.
It seems to be a geographic promotion, and I have no idea whether its rolled out to all hosts or is selective? 
Custom promotion
Choose the dates and discounts."
Level 3
Marahau, New Zealand

We had one oportunity for a custom price promotion, wich worked well but have never seen another, what's that about.

Level 10
Brant, Canada

Great question.

Level 1
Pakuranga Heights, NZ

Really good to get updates of what's 'new, updating,  and changes'.

Level 5
Setagaya City, JP

wow i didn't realize airbnb actually forces hosts to take emotional support animals.. , better revise my listing description... 

this is in fact insane, I understand how a guide dog would be necessary but emotional support is simply a whim and mostly a lie , plus it would require extra cleaning for allergens after the hosting... there should be a special addon and opportunity to adjust / revise cleaning prices if guest must absolutely insist on bringing one... 

airbnb, get on it