We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the update...
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We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the updated Superhost criteria, so we wanted to explain why we made this up...
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Hi everyone,
Welcome to Airbnb Updates! This new blog within the Community Center is where you can find product updates, host stories, company news, inspiration and tips to help you grow your business, and other important messages from Airbnb.
We’ve posted in the Community Center for many years, but now you’ll be able to find all of our updates in one place. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to stay up to date, so as soon as we have news to share with you and the rest of the hosting community, we’ll be posting it here.
And as always, we’d love to hear from you. Teams across Airbnb use your feedback in the Community Center to help improve and develop products. Click on “Join the Conversation” in the individual thread to comment, or if you’d like to discuss anything further with other hosts, you can start a new conversation in a different Discussion Room.
We look forward to being in touch with you through this new blog.
Thanks for hosting,
The Airbnb Team
We have been doing AirBnb, as hosts, for almost over a month, and we are already fully booked, and received the official Superhost badge/status.
Our tip is to be yourself, welcome & treat your guests, like you want to be welcomed & treated. Alway be available for them, and sincerely offer them your help. Give them local tips, either, they ask for it or not. Introduce your home in a fun way, and make them feel like it's their home. Be passionate, energetic, friendly & funny during your presentation.
Is there a way to get these updates via email? Or get notifications when there are updates on this blog? Thanks!
Just a few random ideas that might make it easier for a host to cover the time & costs involved when they go the extra ten miles to really make things are special, available and communicated clearly to clients prior to booking.
As a host I have always gone the extra mile and have been extremely generous, most guests have been 100% respectful and appreciative of that, however, there are times when it goes unappreciated and even expected or abused. When the season gets extremely busy and we have our own responsibilities, clients need to realize that Hosts are busy people too, often putting aside our own needs to accomodate the guests and help them enjoy their vacation.
One thing that would be extremely helpful - (a Fee Schedule possibly hidden but opening up under Additional Services) so that clients who are interested can request in additional activities, time and services and allow the Hosts to book the time and activity charging a suggested fee at their descretion. A list of possible fees could be provided by Air BnB or a panel of people experienced in what would be a fair range.
A list of possible additional charges would help to remind clients that our time and effort for extra things is done on their behalf to help them enjoy their stay but it would also encourage hosts to put in more time or be open to hosting events, services, activities etc. We don't have to accept the extra services however it certainly would smooth out the process and make things more attractive and easier for both guests to request and hosts to accept at their discretion.
Air Port - Personal PICK UP FEE or Personal DROP OFF FEE - Basic, Rush Hour, Before or After basic work hours
Pet Fee this one would be particularily helpful for a pet friendly home because guests often miss the fact that there is an extra charge or they think it wouldn't pertain to them - We could use it broken down by Small Pet fee, Large Pet Fee (I've had a lot more issues with larger dogs even for the room they take up , sloppy eating habits. dog hair & stool they produce.) Also there could be a space for discounted longer stays or more than two pets etc or different kinds of pets.
Possibly Special Event fees:
Birthday, themed parties or holiday events hosted at the home
City Tours - Could be broken down by Short & Longer 2 - 4 hours - 6 - 8 hours
Shopping excursions by Micro 30 -60 minutes, Short 2 - 4 hours, Longer - 6 - 8 hours
Entertainment Activites - Kayaking, Dancing, Hiking, Biking, Skiing, Mountain tours etc, Theatre, Art Gallery, Aquarium. Could be generic, leaving timing and costs up to the Host
Use of kitchen & facilities for shorter or longer stays: Suggest short stays $25 per day, longer stays $15 per day..
It hasn't happened too often but I'm always surprised by people who are coming for 3 or 4 days often expect to use the full kitchen facilities, 30% - 50% of the fridge, all general supplies including expensive knives, pots & pans, other cooking tools, butter, oil, sugar, milk, even onions, garlic, pickles, crackers, bread, ketchup, mayonese, dressings, other condiments, spices etc... It can become very awkward especially if the second guests arrive to see the first guests cooking and routing through the cupboards. It's would also help make up for missing utensils or glass containers that leave the house and never return, sharpening or repairing damaged knives and replacing burned pots.
Use of equipment:
Foot Bath
Medical devices
Laundry facilities: One time use $3.00.00 Weekly use $10.00 Monthly use $30.00
(For over 7 days I have no problem covering this) however, guests sometimes arrive with a suitcase full of dirty clothes when they're only booking for a few days, they don't always pay attention to the instructions on how to use the machines and I've had a perfectly good set break down due to careless usage.
Additional Food provided by request
Possible fee for shopping based on time plus food cost
Water bottles
Miscellaneous Services
Art Lessons
Hi Ollie in South Wales,
I understand your problem. I used to get barely 25% reviews, now I'm over 80% with very little work on my part. When guests checkout, I go to their message link (not the Reviews link) and tell them I just left them a rave review and hope they come back and if they could leave a favorable review for me, it'd help my business.
You can't do that in the Reviews windows. My guess is that they wonder if they'll get a good review so they're hesitant to write one but when they find out I gave them a very good one, they're more inclined to write a review. I also say, Just a couple sentences would be great.
Hopethat helps, Ollie.
Hello fellow AIRBNBERS, I just wanted to say thanks to Airbnb for this wonderful opportunity of being part of travel, leisure and tourism. I built a house for my mother inside a 55 and older community- golf course and country club. My thoughts and plans were to care for her in her elderly age and to be her care taker as well because she is I'll. Well as life happens l- my position was eliminated from the hospital that I worked at for 11 years and I was left unemployed. I got another job 5 hours away and my mom went to a nursing home. So I was then left with a new and beautiful house and no one using it, well thanks to Airbnb it now pays for itself- THANJS SO MUCH AIRBNB- YOU ROCK!
Hi, I've suggested this before but am wondering if it will happen. I'd like an addition to booking that will send an automated message to my customers to say that I am away for a certain time and will reply when I get home (with NO penality) I often go on cruises with no internet access while I'm away, so this would help greatly..... Thanks .... Kerry
I’ve had guests stay and chose not to leave reviews, even though they voiced that they enjoyed their stay. Why do both sides need to leave a review in order for these to be posted? I’ve also had guests not leave a review because I called them out on different issues like smoking in front of my house and leaving garbage and cigarette butts all over the street in front of my house or using an area of the house that’s shared by everyone and cleaning up after themselves.
It seems that this way, guests can avoid having negative reviews and nobody finds out what happened, but as a host I’d like to know and possibly avoid hosting someone who keeps doing this over and over.
thanks Pavla
Airbnb Team.
I was down to 78% and 4.7 star for reviews. Iv since had 8 5 star reviews in a row. But i am still on 4.7 stars and now 79% I think this rating system is not very fare as this is a bit of a mamoth task to get back into the Superhost status. Surely more can be down to make this challenge a little easier for hosts because it seems one 3 or 4 star review can cripple a hosts for months.
Look forward to heariung if there is solutions
Is anyoneelse having problems with their guest contacting Airbnb to pay? I am at risk of losing guests as they cannot access site here in UK. I already lost one guest as a result of this.
Hi Airbnb team and all
I started hosting in June 2018 and experience is good with the guests and the team too. Airbnb is a good platform. Looking forward the same cooperation and encouragement from the team
Hello Manishaa, I have started this March, and it is quite a marvellous platform. Can't wait to become a superhost 😄 I look forward to more Airbnb guests and to venture into Airbnb experiences soon!
Good blog!
Starting my 7th season! It was easy to join (although I didn't initially realize I had to have a page per room. A family of five booked one room, but I was able to accommodate three in the room and two in the tent they brought), payments are secure and dependable and the people are neat, quiet and interesting to meet - most are world travelers! I have met over 1,200 people from 25 countries!
It's not right when people search for my city on Airbnb and other cities appear ahead of mine. New Airbnb guest should be penalized for cancellations. We as hosts certainly are. As for leaving reviews in other languages is does translate. I have a hundred percent five star reviews however there must some question air b&b asks of guests concerning squeaky clean ! I live in the desert. One last thing, is also not fair that we cannot see who's booking until after they booked. However they can see our photos before they book. Not right !
I have had only 5 stars, but because I get guests from other platforms, I lost Superhost and I never got an invite from Plus. I am leaving Airbnb in August because it is impossible to compete with Plus and Superhost on the AirBnb platform. I have had at least 5 guests that were new to AirBnb, I gave them such a fabulous experience that they became AirBnb customers for life.
I had a family that only stayed in 5 star hotels. They told me that my apartment was better than the Four Seasons Hotel in Seattle. They loved my AirBnb so much that they became AirBnb customers for life. Hosts should get credit for hosting guests that do not have any reviews. This is an import way for AirBnb to grow, and the host is the reason the guest becomes a customer for life. Hosts do not get any credit for taking a chance on a new guest to AirBnb.
I was SuperHost for over 4 years, but now I am NOTHING to AirBnb because I have used other booking sites. I have have literally very little views. My price on the AirBnb is 40% less than 4 years ago. My city is now charging a new STR tax, so my profit is down 35%.
I have a new family that booked for the graduation for the University that is 1.5 miles from my house. Everything within 7 miles away from my house is booked. I feel badly that I do not feel loyality to AirBnb, I could cancel that family, AirBnb would have a problem finding a replacement for them. I had someone come to be privately asking if they could rent my apartment for double what I am charging the AirBnb guest, I was tempted. If I cancelled the AirBnb booking, nothing would happen to me, I already lost everything on the AirBnb platform that gives me visibility on the platform. I am not getting views because I look like a NOTHING on the platform compared to Superhost and Plus.
Airbnb needs to realize that hosts have power also. If I cancelled that family, they would never return to AirBnb and they would spred the word to their friends and family that they were cancelled.
I wish AirBnb would give credit to long term host that have given so much to the guests.
I care about my guests, but AirBnb is not working for me any longer, that is why I am leaving. SAD.