Introducing Superhost Week

Ex Airbnb
Ex Airbnb
Redwood City, CA

Introducing Superhost Week

Hi everyone,


Let me take a second to introduce myself: I’m Laura Chambers, and I lead the team at Airbnb that’s dedicated to helping hosts like you succeed. (You might remember me from the most recent Host Q&A.) I’ve been a fan and engaged user of Airbnb for a long time, but since I officially joined the team here in July, one thing has become even more clear to me: It’s the wonderful community of hosts that makes Airbnb so special.


Within the Airbnb hosting community, we’re particularly appreciative of Superhosts. As 2018 draws to a close, we wanted to do something special to celebrate them. So today,  I’m thrilled to announce that we’re kicking off an exciting new event for the first time ever: Superhost Week!


Congratulations to those of you who are Superhosts. It’s such a huge achievement. Airbnb’s community is powered by great hospitality and trust, and you exemplify that spirit and excellence. It should be no surprise that Superhosts earn about 22% more on average*—guests really value your hospitality.


This week will be full of celebrations and recognition. Here’s what Superhosts can expect:


  • A personalized gift: If you’re a Superhost, check your inbox. We hope you’ll enjoy the custom map you just received, highlighting your own journey as a host with Airbnb.

  • Marketing to guests: This week, Superhosts will be featured at the top of Airbnb’s home page, giving Superhosts more visibility to the millions of people who visit Airbnb each day. Here’s what they’ll see:


If guests are curious and click to learn more, they’ll go to a brand new web page where we’re showcasing Superhosts. This page will help them better understand the Superhost badge icon on your listing, as a symbol of the amazing hospitality you provide.


Guests-facing landing page image.png



  • Social celebration: Throughout the week, we’ll be highlighting some extraordinary Superhosts on social media channels. Check it out and follow along here:


I hope you enjoy this week of celebration! We’re committed to continually improving the Superhost program, and some changes are already underway. For example, we just introduced new criteria to ensure that hosts who host longer stays have fair access to becoming Superhosts. I’d love to hear your ideas for what we can do to make the program even better. Let me know your suggestions in the comments below. I’ll be checking in throughout the week.


Congratulations again to those of you who are Superhosts. Thanks for everything you do— and happy hosting!



*Based on internal Airbnb data comparing median aggregate revenue earned by Superhosts to other hosts (with 10+ bookings) on the platform worldwide during 2017.



Lead, Airbnb Core Hosts & Community

Here's my Community Spotlight!

What are your favorite notes from your guests?


525 Replies 525
Level 2
Florence, Italy

As I got your email I know that I welcomed more than 1300 guests from 47 contries, that's great! didnt realize that before. Great experience and great satisfaction thanks to Airbnb!

Wow that's a lot of guests! Congratulations @Valter23! ~Laura



Lead, Airbnb Core Hosts & Community

Here's my Community Spotlight!

What are your favorite notes from your guests?


Level 1
Coeur d'Alene, ID

Awesome!  Thank you. Did I miss the addl. email with the map? I dont see that anywhere. 

Hey @Shelby57! Check your personal email inbox, it should be there (maybe in your junk mail?) ~Laura



Lead, Airbnb Core Hosts & Community

Here's my Community Spotlight!

What are your favorite notes from your guests?


Level 10
Mapleton, Australia

Hi @Laura_C @Shelby

as yet I have not seen the email with map, have checked Junk inbox too.

Regards, Lyn.

Ok I've dropped you a note. Stay tuned. 



Lead, Airbnb Core Hosts & Community

Here's my Community Spotlight!

What are your favorite notes from your guests?


Level 2
Cody, WY

Thank you for recognizing Superhosts!  I love providing a great place for my guests, and I’m in the process of renovating 2 more houses for Airbnb!  

Hi again „Laura“,


On Monday I received your email about ‘A week celebrating superhosts…And a special gift for you’. Is the gift the map? In that case I don’t see the point, because it doesn’t show the countries where my guests came from.


Also, I would like to know why not all questions and concerns are answered, just the ones that give you positive feedback, or an answer like “we’re working on it”.


So far this initiative hasn’t given me anything, when a friend checked out the site my listing didn’t come up and I haven’t gotten any new bookings. So much for “This week, Superhosts will be featured on the front page of Airbnb’s site, where millions of people visit each day. “ Well, I guess those millions didn’t want to visit “my” city.


Airbnb, you can do better than this I’m sure.

Hi @Annika56 - thank you for your note, and Happy Superhost week!


The map should show the countries where your guests come from (it is personalized to each host).


I have been answering as many questions as I have - with a balance of positive and constructive questions/comments from hosts. But there's only one of me (and we've had over 1000 responses across all the languages) so as much as I would love to, I can't get to all of them! The team is downloading and translating all of them for me, so I will read them all over the coming weeks.


The Superhost banner is on the front page of all week, and getting a tremendous number of clicks from guests who are excited to stay with Superhosts around the world. 


Have a wonderful week!





Lead, Airbnb Core Hosts & Community

Here's my Community Spotlight!

What are your favorite notes from your guests?


So Airbnb only assigned one person to deal with feedback from over 1,000 people? That says a lot about how Airbnb value their hosts... I can only see the comments in English, but would be interested in seeing them all. Some of us speak more than one language.


Have a wonderful week you too!

Hi @Annika56! We do have a full team monitoring and engaging, I'm just trying to personally respond to as many as I can.


Great idea on seeing more languages ... here are some links to see the other comments:









Lead, Airbnb Core Hosts & Community

Here's my Community Spotlight!

What are your favorite notes from your guests?


Thanks for that Laura. So most of the German-speaking hosts have still not received their maps, and those who have say that it's not personalized, just like mine. I thought you meant that the map was supposed to show where my guests came from, not just a map with dots randomly placed.


But ok, signing out now since I will be losing my superhost status at the end of the year due to one bad review out of 30+.


All the best to the hosts out there trying to go above and beyond for the guests.



Level 2
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Hi Laura

The introduction of The Superhost Week message which came onto our screen this morning made our day. We joined Airbnb in June and were thrilled to receive the Superhost status in October. We have thorouly enjoyed hosting the many people who have passed through our place. even though we are still learning how to navigate around hosting issues. So we are learing as we go We look forward to meeting and hosting many more in the future. We also look forward to what this week will unpack for us.

Doris and Jethro

Level 1
Pittsburgh, PA

Thanks for including me with the other hosts.  I try to accommodate my guests and be an understanding host.

Level 2
Spring Creek, NV

Thank you to Airbnb for creating such a wonderful sharing community where we have rich opportunities to meet interesting people who may have never crossed our paths.  We've loved hosting and traveling since 2012 and look forward to many more prosperous and interesting years.